Recent content by Rucker

  1. R

    Marijuana Seeds

    I just wanted to post another update so you all will know what you are dealing with when you deal with Nirvana. As I posted a week or so ago, they sent me an email saying they had screwed up. Well, I never heard anything else from them and I sent them an email yesterday to see what the status of...
  2. R

    Seed Help

    Thanks for the info pimp!
  3. R

    First time drip-system grower. Help much appreciated!

    For the poster who said they had roots growing down into the res, add an airstone in the resovior. That way, if the roots grow down into the water in the resovior, you will just have a DWC and it will work out great.
  4. R

    Newbie grower needs an answer

    If you are going to flower with flouros, you need to start flowering now. You should check out seemorebuds book.. he went to flower at like 14 days or soemthing. The flouros will not penetrate plants any taller... you should aim for a short plant that will give you a little bud... otherwise, get...
  5. R

    Nirvana seeds delivery time???

    I ordered from them 1/10... sent 1/12 and I received them 2/04. What did you order? Just asking because they got my order mixed up with somebody else.. They emailed me yesterday after I told them of the problem and are going to fix the mistake. They may take a while, but they seem to be coming...
  6. R

    First time(beginners) seed?????

    just use a some bag seeds.....
  7. R

    Seed Help

    So a tablespoon or two a couple of times a day? What about nutes... I am just using plain ph's distilled water right now.. I was going to use 1/2 stregth nutes in a week or so when they are out of the RW... does that sound right?
  8. R

    Seed Help

    a newbie question... how often/much should you water seedlings? I have a few in some 1" rockwool cubes...
  9. R

    Marijuana Seeds

    Just a quick update... I got an email from Nirvana saying that somehow they mixed my shipment up and that they were going to re-ship ASAP. Hopefully, the rest of my order comes in. I will say that Nirvana has at least been in communication with me and seem to be willing to work it ut.... which...
  10. R

    Marijuana Seeds

    Alrighty people... Well, I guess the guy from Nirvana had ESP because I got them in the mail yesterday. The problem is that I only got 2 of the 3 packages I was supposed to get (and that I PAID for). Also, the two packages I did get were not clearly marked so I have no idea which is which. I...
  11. R

    Canadian scam seed sellers

    The customer shouldn't have to send an email telling them that their seeds are shit.... they should have sent out a good product in the first place! How is Showgirl wrong for posting the details of her transaction? Maybe you should take a look at who you are backing there spaceboy......
  12. R

    Marijuana Seeds

    Well, still no seeds and still no communication. Starting to think I GOT FUCKED BY NIRVANA!!!!! Update: Recieved an email from them.. told to watch for them.. should be here any day. Hey, at least they acknowledged me!!!
  13. R

    Help With Light Timer!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They make a plug that screws into a light socket... that would be the easiest. Just screw that into the light socket and leave the light swtich on. Run a power strip out of the outlet that is in the socket and plug your timer into the power stip. The outlets that screw into the light socket are...
  14. R

    My boyfriend smokes

    absolutely.. toke up with him. try different strains and enjoy!
  15. R

    Co2 and Venting

    You could do like I am going to do and use a cool tube reflector.... that way you can cool your light and not have to change the air as often.