Recent content by rsvp_gardens

  1. rsvp_gardens


    ya dude they look good, nice job. But like I said it gets to point where its all preference at a certain point. I dont pay any mind to amber or clear trichs I'm strictly looking for a ton of cloudy trichs because thats where I and my patients like it at **Also, make sure you're looking at the...
  2. rsvp_gardens


    IMO you're near a preference point. For me its too early to harvest. I look for around 90ish% cloudy trichs and I mean like fully cloudy trichs. If you cut clones and plan on growing this again cut a few sample pieces off every few days and see where you like it. Im gonna get a lot flak for...
  3. rsvp_gardens

    I spent a long time researching strains, can you help me choose two?

    No offense, but if you did "a lot of research" and thats what you came up with do more research. IDK where you're located but underground US breeders have exceptional cultivars. And to the people saying not to listen to breeders descriptions (sorry I dont how to @ people), take that with a grain...
  4. rsvp_gardens

    Need help...with funky leaves

    If they jump, they're probably springtails. They're more of nuisance pest they don't do too much damage but let the media dry out a little more and they'll go away.
  5. rsvp_gardens

    Any reason why my leaves/bud ARENT purple like in the ad?

    True purples usually have a more mild effect than green strains but purples are really good medicine for stomach issues. I've noticed that, generally, they test higher in CBG which could be why but I'm no scientist, I'm only saying this incase someone can provide more insight into that. But...
  6. rsvp_gardens

    Disappointed with Breeders.

    I did say "or however you're trying to judge potency". But I think you're missing the message. A one hitter for you may be a 3 or 4 hitter for me and vice versa. It depends on each individuals ECS. I think you're also missing the message that terpenes do more than just add flavor, they...
  7. rsvp_gardens

    Disappointed with Breeders.

    Give the same 100 pain patients samples without reveling the numbers and see what they say works best for them. I guarantee you not everyone is going to say the sample that you think is the most potent or the one that shows the highest TCH% or however you're judging potency by. Your ECS has more...
  8. rsvp_gardens

    Disappointed with Breeders.

    Terpenes do a lot more than just give it taste and smell. The entourage effect includes all cannabinoids and terpenes and its most definitely a thing. I know that's something that can be debated but try things first then get them tested and compare your notes. In time the scientific community...
  9. rsvp_gardens

    Disappointed with Breeders.

    It's also important to note, that when talking about effects you can't really go by someone else's experience because our ECS is different and that has everything to do with how that strain is going to effect you.
  10. rsvp_gardens

    Amber trichomes (on buds) at 41 days

    Too much N during bloom will prevent amber trichs sometimes
  11. rsvp_gardens

    Disappointed with Breeders.

    Buying a pack of seeds is like buying a pack of baseball cards. You might get all shit cards or you could find the signed rookie ken Griffey jr card, its all about the thrill of the hunt for me.
  12. rsvp_gardens

    Pro mix HP to Coco?

    Just transplant as normal they'll adjust to the new media. I've done this before going from Tupur to promix
  13. rsvp_gardens

    Overcured weed

    There's no such thing as overcured weed. It's more likely it just wasn't stored properly. If your weed loses flavor after two - three weeks it probably wasn't in optimal conditions for curing or the jars were burped too often. If done properly the cure makes the flavor more refined and the smoke...
  14. rsvp_gardens

    Deficiency ? Mid of flower

    I think your PH is too high and it's locking out sulfur. It might be that it might not be but its worth looking into.
  15. rsvp_gardens

    Most reliable way to start new seeds?

    Ya like most people are saying keep it moist but not wet. Personally for me, I don't treat seedlings any different than teen or mature plants, in terms of watering, I water by the weight of the pot or in this case cup until runoff. And for the light, you don't really need to do anything...