Rsawr's latest activity

  • Rsawr
    Rsawr reacted to laddyd's post in the thread Blaze & Daze with Sad Sad.
    I just have to give a report on our anniversary dinner. F, total fail. We went to "Carrabbas". We've been there a couple of times and...
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr replied to the thread Blaze & Daze.
    It watched for cars, and is eating some trash in the neighbors yard. I wonder if there's a little family of them somewhere nearby
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr reacted to FirstCavApache64's post in the thread Blaze & Daze with Like Like.
    Looks like a Guinea hen. They're used as guard animals around here as they are very loud and raise hell if anything gets too close.
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr reacted to Ozumoz66's post in the thread Blaze & Daze with Haha Haha.
    Happy Blursday!
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr replied to the thread Blaze & Daze.
    Why did this just cross the road? Should I go try to catch and eat it?
    • 20250327_082246.jpg
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr replied to the thread Blaze & Daze.
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr replied to the thread Blaze & Daze.
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr reacted to GreatwhiteNorth's post in the thread Blaze & Daze with Sad Sad.
    On ships I'd drink coffee when ever I was vertical, now - not so much. I'm really sensitive to caffeine & even a bit before bed means...
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr reacted to . The Outdoorsman .'s post in the thread Blaze & Daze with Haha Haha.
    I was overdue for a physical/checkup so I went to the doctor last month. I step off the scale and we go in the exam room. She said "Do...
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr reacted to Jeffislovinlife's post in the thread Blaze & Daze with Like Like.
    coffee to all may you have a great day and a better night damit it
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr reacted to Jeffislovinlife's post in the thread Blaze & Daze with Haha Haha.
    And you took a raincheck on the golf game???
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr replied to the thread Blaze & Daze.
    Can you get one of those cages that the guys who run to fetch the balls wear? For your safety?
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr reacted to laddyd's post in the thread Blaze & Daze with Haha Haha.
    Well I'm officially an asshole. I made plans to play golf tomorrow. My wife reminds me it is our 50th wedding anniversary that day. Oops.
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr reacted to Jeffislovinlife's post in the thread Blaze & Daze with Like Like.
    Coffee to all may you have a great day and a better night
  • Rsawr
    Rsawr reacted to Jeffislovinlife's post in the thread Blaze & Daze with Like Like.
    Coffee is needed badly this might take a minute or two flipping rain and pain coffee must have coffee coffee coffee