Recent content by Rozgreenburn

  1. Rozgreenburn

    The Highest You've Ever Been....

    My brother and I had quite the experience one Winter. We were sitting in my living room eating brownies, smoking pipes and drinking high test beers. I only had 2 candles burning in the room, so I did not realize I'd left the damper on the wood stove open. We went outside to enjoy the fresh...
  2. Rozgreenburn

    New to growing

    Mighty noice! Skip the rubber harvest gloves, get yourself a wetsuit!
  3. Rozgreenburn

    does cheap dryer vent exhaust hose let the smell out ?

    I don't see why it would leak but, the white ducting will allow the light to show in a short run.
  4. Rozgreenburn


    I had decent results with "Wiggle Worm", but I raise my own worms now and I have 7 worm bins at 12 gallons each. At any given time I'm sitting on 30 - 50 gallons of EWC, and I use it in my super soil as well as in my pot builds. If you have a bit of space you could run a few bins without much...
  5. Rozgreenburn


    Nothing works better than fresh EWC in my pot builds! I put enough soil in the bottom of the pot to cover the holes. Next I'll add 1 cup of EWC, and fill with super soil. I leave the soil 3/4" below the pot rim, add another cup of EWC and then cover that with 1/2" or so of mulch. I keep yellow...
  6. Rozgreenburn

    Premium Seed Market

    Agreed, good for the price, but I need stability for breeding. Decent plants with some variation. Fine for production though.
  7. Rozgreenburn

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    This Winter I will make myself an 8' tall grow tent. Probably use 1/2" electrical conduit for the frame and Panda film to wrap it, and velcro closing straps. The next thing will be reinforcing around any ports that will need to be cut in place. If it appears to be to flimsy, I can ask my wife to...
  8. Rozgreenburn

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Welcome, enjoy your stay!
  9. Rozgreenburn

    Here Comes Labor Day Giveaway!

    Cool contest! I find that if you're not sure your plant is finished, it's probably not!
  10. Rozgreenburn

    PVC Film vs. Painted Walls in Grow Room?

    I've use what's called Panda Film, IT's black on one 1 side and brilliant white on the other. It is great for making any size room you wish. I'd use it when I build a new room!
  11. Rozgreenburn

    Phlizon Grow Light August Giveaway!

    Never garden in a hurry, take notes, take more notes! I'm running 2, 1000W Phlizon fixures in 2 tents. They smoke the competition by 10% easy! #Phlizon
  12. Rozgreenburn

    I recently had a kidney stent placed in for two weeks!

    I can only speak from personal experience, and I had renal failure from blood pressure issues. I did about 5 years of dialysis and was working with a great transplant team. I was straight with them about my cannabis use, and that it was integral to my ability to function properly. The head...
  13. Rozgreenburn

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Careful, if we all fire ours up at once, we might take the darn thing down!
  14. Rozgreenburn

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Yep, hell of a deal, but I don't need it either. I've got about 6 extra "can't pass up lights" before the need arises. For once I will force myself to pass.
  15. Rozgreenburn

    Brothers Grimm

    Sorry for the poor wording. Stoner brain here too! Buy a pack of 9 beans for $25, and get one free. I grabbed 2 packslast week. Showed up in 3 days. Have a friend grabbed 2 different packs. Then, we swapped our freebies. Hope you find what you want.