Recent content by ross108

  1. ross108

    dude your messages are full so ill send it here Producing Feminised Seeds Using Colloidal Silver...

    dude your messages are full so ill send it here Producing Feminised Seeds Using Colloidal Silver i knew i saw it here and yes i did spell it wrong lol.
  2. ross108

    Plagron Royalty Mix

    it was the canna i had trouble with not plagron and the canna is more expensive. plagron was pukka it seems to hold moisture a little bit longer too
  3. ross108

    Plagron Royalty Mix

    no worries my first grow i had plagron light and canna profesional plus and i had untold probs with the canna plagron was fine all the way through.
  4. ross108

    Plagron Royalty Mix

    i give them 3 to 4 weeks before adding nutes seems to work ok.
  5. ross108

    Plagron Royalty Mix

    i use plagron not royalty the one that has 3 weeks of nutes in them and no complaints.
  6. ross108

    Have a plant problem? Check here first! -- ------- --------- PLANT PROBLEM?

    i did have that on a couple of my leaves backed off on the nutes and it seemed to fix mine dont know if it is the same problem though im still new to all this.
  7. ross108

    Im the new guy!

    i have the same problems as you for the gnats i was advised to put a thin layer of sand on top of soil if your using soil that is it kilss the young but doesnt stop the adults but they wont be able to lay anymore eggs so it should help. the yellow spots on mine were an n def but it can be a...
  8. ross108

    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    not long now by the looks of things. do you know what caused all the yellow leaves mines looking like that already not as bad but the leaves look the same i cant fix mine either nothing is working and mine are only 3 weeks in flower. still look very tasty and i like the colour on them buds looks...
  9. ross108

    Growing with t5's

    i have noticed they grow really quick under the t5 in veg.
  10. ross108

    Growing with t5's

    i have been having a bit of trouble with humidity and i fixed it by running my fan 24/7 sorted it right out hope it helps. subscribing to this one curious to see what yield you get off the t5 i have one too but only for veg. +rep
  11. ross108

    Has anyone tried making hash with snow :) ?

    i heard on a program the other day that snow only has like 30% water the rest is air and stay away from the yellow snow lol
  12. ross108

    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    cool the hash will be interesting are you doing it with bubble bags or another method?
  13. ross108

    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    nice how long do you have left on the gws?
  14. ross108

    English growers help.(whats the best soil)

    i used canna terra professional plus and having good results but its a bit pricey plagron isnt to bad either hope it helps
  15. ross108

    how long do roots take to fill out a 5 gallon pot?

    not 100% but cervantes says 1 gallon for 1 month of life roughly