Recent content by Romie101

  1. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    Ahhh great consideration! I believe that the land I intend on using has some mountains that would provide some decent protection from heavy winds, or perhaps this might not be sufficient ?
  2. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    By all means please continue this information would be extremely helpful to me and many other growers
  3. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    Definitely some valuable insight that I had not taken into consideration, thank you so much! Any other advice/sources/resource you would be willing to share?
  4. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    Lol fair point and would you mind elaborating more on the weather aspect and how they can affect the plant?
  5. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    Ah I see I'll have to look into this, thank you so much for the recommendations!
  6. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    Perhaps I should try to veg them in a green house?
  7. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    I don't they have fully legalized it, perhaps Grenada but not sure about the rest
  8. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    Lol yes very good insight, I'll try reaching out further north and see what they grow and how
  9. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    Well I did speak with one group of individuals but they're using there own strain that cant be openly sourced at a seed bank
  10. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    Lol your Giant rainbow dragon does have a point, but could you please ask him for some more info so that I may have a better chance at having a successful crop?
  11. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    It's still a new industry and lots of things are kept confidential so not many persons are willing to discuss it, as for anyone I know personally? Unfortunately no
  12. R

    Choosing the best strain for a Tropical Climate ( Other Advice is welcomed and appreciated!)

    Hi, I'm new to cannabis industry and looking to begin growing medical cannabis, as such I was hoping if you would help me decide the best strains/seeds to begin with. Some information that might help you help me are : My Location: I live on the beautiful Island of St.Vincent and the...