Recent content by rocketlauncher

  1. rocketlauncher

    Does the water from Alfalfa seeds contain Nitrogen?

    That's a good point, but i am going to have Alfalfa growing near enough everyday, so would be good to know whats in the water.
  2. rocketlauncher

    Does the water from Alfalfa seeds contain Nitrogen?

    i.e will it benefit plants to use this water?.
  3. rocketlauncher

    Does the water from Alfalfa seeds contain Nitrogen?

    Hi, can anyone help me with this? I started growing some Alfalfa in a cup last night, and found that this morning the water had turned light brown. Before pouring this out, i was wondering whether this was a source of usable nutrients such as nitrogen, or whether it is just pure waste product...
  4. rocketlauncher

    First Grow: Pc Bubbler Attempt (Easy Ryder)

    Hi mate, nice setup. I'm not sure if you know this, but from what i've read those cfls need to be closer to the plant. Some people say at about 1 inch from it as the light intensity drops quickly with distance: Other than that, good stuff. I'll be...
  5. rocketlauncher

    Barneys Farm little cheese

    how much has it grown now?
  6. rocketlauncher

    Barneys Pineapple Express Auto and Little Cheese Auto (balcony grow) First Timer

    6 weeks later, what was the yield like?