Recent content by Riddler420

  1. R

    hey man i see ur from nc too... dunno if ur familiar with htg supply but check out this link...

    hey man i see ur from nc too... dunno if ur familiar with htg supply but check out this link just found out they opened up a store this summer nd figured i'd share i haven't seen a store with this kinda selection and deals around nc before
  2. R

    Outdoor Vortex

    Damn sick plant angus. Definitely some of the dankest looking outdoor i've seen. And some dense early nugs. Can't weight to see the final harvest and yield. How's the smoke? Props on the plant.
  3. R

    Lil Wayne = The Best

    Drake kills lil wayne listen to any song that has both of em in it drake's verses make weezy sound more retarded than he already does
  4. R

    ZONGS! not bongs but ZONGS check this stuff out

    hell ya zongs are the shit i think they get you a little higher than bongs n u get crazy hits my zong
  5. R

    gotta get this off my chest

    wow man, sounds like your going through some heavy shit.... not damn man, i think it might be time to grow up so your parents took your weed big deal, maybe it's time to stop smoking for a while so you can focus on school and get a good job whenever you graduate it's a hard world out there...
  6. R

    'Beat The Picture Above You' Game

    cops take weed
  7. R

    Lets see what 20 bucks can get you.

    Sorry, don't mean to detract from the thread (will post what i picked up today for $20 as soon as i can take a pic), but would you mind explaining your avatar to me?
  8. R

    Has anyone ever ordered from ?

    yeah, they're straight only thing is, is the glass is a little weak but it's alright for the price n just hit up walgreen's or walmart and get a pre-paid/gift visa for the card
  9. R

    help with NC march!!

    bump, anybody got a link?
  10. R

    my kittens

    I've been on this site since '07. Joined early '08. Sorry I don't feel the need to spam the site with a few posts everytime I get on or start a thread to get my post count up like some. Btw this forum has changed a shitload since I joined, especially lately. If you can't see that, you're kidding...
  11. R

    my kittens

    woah dude, did you just say your gay? btw what has this forum come to when people start threads to show off pics of their cats...
  12. R

    In Cali with no Bud?!?

    leave him alone, he has to get his next thousand posts
  13. R

    we need a new contest - ideas please

    biggest bonghit voted on by posters based on length of hit, smoke density, style, clearing in 1 hit, etc.
  14. R

    Fuck school.

    meh, just pissed me off he came in here and told the guy he wouldn't amount to anything because he couldn't do high school and talked condescendingly to him the whole time. I'm sure the poster hadn't heard that a million times before. He had no point in posting other than to put someone down...