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  • Well I spoke to the FBI this morning and gave them ALL of the details. I also have an appt with an attorney for tomorrow. Until I talk to an attorney I'm not giving details. The FBI agent I just spoke with told me not to give the mmma the chance to cook the books. So it's in the hands of real authorities. You really think I would turn info like that over to you anyway? So many people know what a scumbag you are at this point so I suggest you go hide out with cain and continue the dick sucking you piece of shit.

    As for your recent post about nonprofits you're a liar just like cain.
    "I'm pissed off because I stupidly gave the mmma almost $3000 over the past year and now it looks like that scumbag used it as his own personal stash account"

    If this is true, I would Honestly like to speak with you about it. Over the phone even... If anyone stole or embezzled money from the 3MA, thus the Members and patients, I will throw the rope over the tree limb myself. Would you be willing to tell me who you gave money to? how it was given (cash Check CC ect) and perhaps dates and amounts?

    I would be interested in cross referencing your donation times and amounts to the accounting books. If something is wrong, and money is missing. these small details May be the ones needed to prove culpability.
    If it has actually occured, We (other Moderators and I) will bring charges ourselves.
    Please let me know if you would be willing to share that info. We mods are only concerned with setting right Any wrongs that may of occured under Joes tenure.
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