Recent content by ratchetscratchet

  1. R

    Hermie or not really confused by my budding plant

    Hiya I use this site for help wen I need it n I need help again lol. I was given a seed few month back n thought I'd give a go. As it was growing it looked like a female but now it budded I confused the top of the bud has hairs but at bottom it looks like pollen sacs which have opened ? It been...
  2. R

    plant topped itself

    I am trying keep small n low though as i dont have alot of space u see just thought would let u no
  3. R

    plant topped itself

    Any pointers welcome obviously this only my third grow n first on my own. New low stressed but im using a right supplements (hydro grow n cal mag (now 2ml a week as brown dots gone). Yeah they are the same one every node is pointing upwards as wanted a growth seems be starting go lot faster than...
  4. R

    plant topped itself

    Sorry not been on had completely forgot to keep updating. Well it's now few weeks later n it's definitely topped itself im trying the low strain technique so wen u see the pics it will look strange but obvs im having to spiral two main stems really instead of one so as u can see It is doing...
  5. R

    plant topped itself

    Lol sorry I will take a better picture but now u all said what u said I'm very curious what is it gunna look like as it grows up but it is now growing a set either side of the praying leaves so think will have to tie it up though as get bigger coz I think it Gunn branch out in a "v" what does...
  6. R

    plant topped itself

    Oh its only got one set of leaves before the praying leaves not two or three I didn't realise sorry
  7. R


  8. R

    plant topped itself

    Hi I'm a relative newbie n only done two grows of a couple of plants for me but am really confused by one of my plants. I recently planted three seeds from an online site but one of them growing very strangely lol. Basically first off I noticed the top set of leaves (three sets not including...