Recent content by raster

  1. R

    I have 4X7 foot area and 600W. how many plants?

    Alas you are too late. my house is lost in the forclosure epidemic. I am now looking to planting outside in select places in the wilderness
  2. R

    Getting Busted on Forum's!

    what I'm very curious about is the policy of this web site with respect to IP addresses. do they make sure they do not store the IP address of anyone who posts here? if that info was stored in their databases, then that leaves them to getting subpoenaed to turn that data over.
  3. R

    One Thing I'm Still Confused about with Ebb/Flow

    I was watching a video where the guy was discusting how C02 right around a leaf gets sucked up, and then there's less in that area, and so you need a fan to stir things up... i was wondering if the same is true for the nute solution around roots, and if anyone has tried a propellor in the...
  4. R

    One Thing I'm Still Confused about with Ebb/Flow

    8-12 oz per plant?? how big are the plants? also what is the size of the tray?
  5. R

    One Thing I'm Still Confused about with Ebb/Flow

    is there any advantage to putting fill between pots, other than to hold pots in place? does it help the roots for them to permeate into some medium versus growing in a matt on the bottom?
  6. R

    One Thing I'm Still Confused about with Ebb/Flow

    Hey, thanks for the responses. maybe it's the precise scientific type of thought process i have- but let me just ask a few more questions from that.... 1) let's say you have pots in the tray. and the roots grow way out of the tray. then there's NO advantage to the roots to have grow medium...
  7. R

    One Thing I'm Still Confused about with Ebb/Flow

    So the roots that exit the pots will just hang free in the tray? what about between floods? can't the roots have risk of drying out? BTW awesome stuff there, but it didnt quite answer my confusion.
  8. R

    One Thing I'm Still Confused about with Ebb/Flow

    ok, you have plants in rockwool sitting in a tray which is flooded. the roots will go out of the rockwook into the tray to get nutrients. so does the tray itself need to have grow medium in it? or can the roots just flop free in there? if the latter then isnt there danger of them drying up...
  9. R

    I have 4X7 foot area and 600W. how many plants?

    how many plants should I set up in that space? what is the theoretical max? 3 x 5 plants? 4 x 6 ??
  10. R

    Bad Soil?

    it is Garden Basics General purpose potting soil. I dont have pics - I thrrew out the sapplings because i thougth the soil was no good. I'm a noob, just finding my way, so i view that as a lesson. but before i go onto my second try, i want to be sure the soil is ok, or is garbage. also...
  11. R

    Bad Soil?

    I have a 40 lb load of soil from walmart. I tried to put some sappliings into it. some of them had red areas on the stem which I read is a Fungus. is this soil infested with fungus? should I throw it out?
  12. R

    generate C02 using animals?

    i'm not concerned with cleanup. I wonder if anyone ever talked about the idea of doing this. of course the animals wouldnt be outside cages. maybe have a cage with about 5 ginny pigs in there. they generate a lot of C02. it can't hurt. i don't want to make this out to sound like a weird...
  13. R

    Grow Room Update

    how much yield you plan to get from each plant
  14. R

    generate C02 using animals?

    what do you think of that idea? in teh grow room, have soem animals living there. ginny pigs. mouses. they will pump out good C02. is this dumb or a good idea?
  15. R

    Getting Busted on Forum's!

    I was gonna buy some lights from a guy on the internet. he knows my real name and where i live, and now he won't return my messages. makes me paranoid that he is a fed who just wanted to get my location.