Recent content by RanTyr

  1. RanTyr

    XBOX 360 Grow Experiment 12/12 from seed

    You, sir, are the "NOOB". While you are correct that zoot is a noob, you are no better. Actually you're arguably worse. Two months isn't enough time to get a harvest. Strawberry plants don't sprout from the seedling with strawberries on the vine (this applies to all plants). They have to...
  2. RanTyr

    Sugar/Crystal Production
  3. RanTyr

    LED Grow Lights: Separating Fact from Fiction

    Energy savings aren't in any way important to the plant. LEDs are still not tuned well enough to make min/maxing with them worth it. If you are what I like to call a casual enthusiast then they may work perfectly for you. That does not mean they are perfect or even close to being perfect.
  4. RanTyr

    LED Grow Lights: Separating Fact from Fiction

    LEDs are too far off to be worth the investment still. CMH or HPS/MH are still far superior.
  5. RanTyr

    Sugar/Crystal Production

    Reply to my points. Stop evading.
  6. RanTyr

    Sugar/Crystal Production

    Jumping to conclusions about my motives is silly, at best, on the interwebs. I am certain if you read my reply above yours, it will dispel your flimsy charge that I am a troll. Can we stay on topic here?
  7. RanTyr

    Sugar/Crystal Production

    My unwillingness to upload what would be damning evidence against me is not on trial here, nor is my overall experience or lack thereof on any particular subject. I made precise points and you refused to even acknowledge that they were even stated. You can pretend I didn't raise any points and...
  8. RanTyr

    Sugar/Crystal Production

    This is why no one is accepting your anecdotal evidence as real evidence. Even you cannot commit to your own data. There are multiple flushing techniques. The only methods scientifically proven to increase trichome production, that I have come across and researched, are near death flushes; a...
  9. RanTyr

    I Split the Grow Tip without Cutting. Worth the Shock with Pics

    TexasTim you are either a genius or a lead-paint-chip-eating failure. The fact that I can't tell means you deserve a round of applause or to be sterilized. GG.
  10. RanTyr

    All hair and no meat!!!!

    Roflstomped. The problem is people read one moderately well written post and assume it to be a law of the universe. Literally ANY light source that gives off the proper spectrums can be harnessed to grow incredible plants given the proper planning. Ignorant people are ignorant.
  11. RanTyr

    Drowning Plant Prior To Harvest

    Holy shit the first page is so full of misinformation and utter stupidity I didn't bother to read anymore. If you don't really know what you're talking about, please don't speak. You just add another layer of stupid that is not needed on a site like this.
  12. RanTyr

    Camping in the walk in closet. or am I taking a shit?!!

    Whoever doesn't get why the OP is a fucking dumbass failure needs to actually LOOK at the picture. Not the weed. Not the hangers. Look at the fucking picture for fuck's sake. I hope the OP lives in florida or some equally aggressive state and a police officer sees this picture and knows who...
  13. RanTyr

    Wats and lumen for flowering stage in a micro-grow

    CFLs get especially hot when compared with the larger bulbs. Beware of the heat monster.
  14. RanTyr

    Plasma light bulb, the future of growing?

    CMH is the only bulb of the future at the moment. Plasma will never be able to compete except for those who throw hundreds of thousands of dollars at growing weed. Even them CMH would most likely still come out marginally ahead in terms of potency.