Recent content by Purpsdro420

  1. Purpsdro420

    4x4 scrog og kush #18

    This grow ended last year, kinda forgot about it lol. I harvested 10 1/2 oz and that was the first run with that strain. Wasn't all that impressed with it so I no long have it around
  2. Purpsdro420

    ** NEW TENT SETUP Please Read !! **

    Yes it would. Put the backdraft damper on the dryer side
  3. Purpsdro420

    ** NEW TENT SETUP Please Read !! **

    Heres a link to one for $20 on amazon
  4. Purpsdro420

    ** NEW TENT SETUP Please Read !! **

    Home Depot, lowes, grow supply store/ website, amazon lol there pretty much widely available there usually around $15-25 depending on where you get it from
  5. Purpsdro420

    vegging with hps

    I've use hps bulbs for veg. No need to waste money on two sets of bulbs. I notice no difference in the way my strains grow between the two.
  6. Purpsdro420

    ** NEW TENT SETUP Please Read !! **

    Yes you can but you will need a backdraft damper on the dryer side so when you use you dryer it opens and when it stops, air from the grow won't come out of the dryer
  7. Purpsdro420

    building my new grow... advice and tips welcome

    Your going to have a hard time growing two really big plants with just a 130w cfl. I suggest putting one of those 600w in veg until your ready to flower then move it back. With just that cfl even with a 8 week veg those plants arnt going to be big enough for to cover two 600s
  8. Purpsdro420

    17000 Sq Ft $25000 budget

    If you had more money then why did you start this thread saying you have a 25k budget? Your gunna need more like 250k to start this adventure
  9. Purpsdro420

    Lighting advice for new basement growroom

    Honestly I think you would be good either way. You will yeild more with the 1000 watt tho
  10. Purpsdro420

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    I run that same size tent and same lights and I have a 6" inline just for the lights and a 8" fan and filter to exhaust the tent. Putting in a second fan should drop your temps at least 5-10*
  11. Purpsdro420

    Milliard tent setup

    A tent like this I would say would be a better choice...
  12. Purpsdro420

    Milliard tent setup

    If I were you I wouldn't waste the money on that tent you can get the same size just taller. Maybe get one that 5-6 ft tall. That light won't get you much bud that light would be good for a week or two of veg then that's it. I would go with a 400 watt apollo off amazon with the cooltube. Then...
  13. Purpsdro420


    I would order a the active air green one they should be like $75-$85 on amazon they work great. Just as good as the more expensive option in my opinion
  14. Purpsdro420

    Help me with setup: Best website to buy a tent package.

    If you went with a 600 with those ambient temps you should be able to keep it around 75 but get the air cooled hood and hook your fan and filter up to that