Recent content by Purple Hayze

  1. Purple Hayze

    Morning Glory seeds? Rivea corymbosa?

    how do you take it like how much? and i herd this thing about them makin u sik frum pesticides....
  2. Purple Hayze

    Morning Glory seeds? Rivea corymbosa?

    hell yea dude i wanna see everything there is to see son! hhaha but i thot there wer 2 different kinds of morning glory the ones you trip off of and the ones you find a homedepot. are they the same kind? and do you get phycadelics off of those little seeds cuz u know thats what everyone wants...
  3. Purple Hayze

    Morning Glory seeds? Rivea corymbosa?

    hey, has anyone ever done morning glory seeds or rivea corymbosa seeds? is it an ok trip? worth 15$ for 50 seeds?
  4. Purple Hayze

    Amantia Muscaria?

    hey, i found a sik deal on that mushroom amantia muscaria, or however you spell it and i've herd that its toxic and non-toxic so wich is it?!?!? cuz im about to buy an oz.
  5. Purple Hayze

    shroom question

    ey im thinkin about growin me sum shrooms but its turning winter here in a lil and i think doing shrooms in the winter is pointless cuz ther no color. True?
  6. Purple Hayze

    I Love LSD

    yo dude i see alot of like sheets of signed/unsigned blotter sheets on ther that i would buy but i donno if they are dipped like the 45$ ones you know i dont think they are ne one know???
  7. Purple Hayze

    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    i have yet to do 20x but i ordered it just now and is it less, same or more intense then an acid trip cuz iv herd ppl say more less and its a completely different type of trip but tell me if you liked it more.
  8. Purple Hayze

    What Strain?

    yo guys, hey dudes im gonna grow sum shooms soon and i just wanna know whats a good strain to pick, i would prefer a type of shroom that has a high yield and a good potentsy i was thinkin about burma or amazon shrooms but im not even sure how potent those are... help me out dudes, ~HAYZE~
  9. Purple Hayze

    searching for shrooms

    ok dudes, so i just found a little guide to shrooms on youtube, go figure, and im gonna try it but one problem i have is deciding to grow them now and trip in the winter wen thers close to nuthing colorful or interesting to look at or wait till spring next year to grow them then and have sum...
  10. Purple Hayze

    LSD, Good idea?Bad idea?

    dang. but dude, im growin my own mushrooms soon and i think im gonna wait till next spring, cuz i think that doin them in the winter is pointless cuz thers not alot of life or color to look at you know so its kinda a waist and im still not sure if you can store shrooms for that long and still...
  11. Purple Hayze

    LSD, Good idea?Bad idea?

    i think im only gonna do it once but im positive that im goin to do it in the form of the little papers that it comes on, blotters, i guess they call them... like 1/2in.X1/2in. i think is the size of them, is that ok?
  12. Purple Hayze

    LSD, Good idea?Bad idea?

    so what determines how many times you can do acid and hav no bad side effekts???
  13. Purple Hayze

    LSD, Good idea?Bad idea?

    yea dude im fine well i guess sense im dealin wit dis shit i should totaly understand your question, what do you mean?
  14. Purple Hayze

    LSD, Good idea?Bad idea?

    hey guys, im thinkin about doin LSD i wanna know if i should do it or not i no close to nothing about it besides the phycadelics and train of thought. can you guys tell me if i should giv it a try and if i like it how many times i can do it and get away without any bad side effekts. also some...
  15. Purple Hayze

    searching for shrooms

    hey hey, FaCultGen, dude could you giv me a website or sum tips on outdoor growing like you sed cuz i think i can do that i just need to know how... and taipan wer do you live? im not verry comfterble picking and eating mushies unless i grew them or they are morels u no...