Recent content by poky32

  1. P

    Stunted growth? or just a dwarf strain? I am confused!

    Should I ph the nute water to about 5 to avoid boron deff?
  2. P

    Stunted growth? or just a dwarf strain? I am confused!

    Do I really not need perlite with coco? It seems like everywhere I look at, they recommend 50/50 coco mixed with perlite....I am debating if I will start with coco or FFOF for my next grow.
  3. P

    Stunted growth? or just a dwarf strain? I am confused!

    I waited until the soil was bone dry and flushed it with r/o water. Guess what though. The ph of the soil was actually 6.0-6.5! I do believe my mistake throughout my first grow was overwatering. I watered my small pot of plant at least once 3-4 days and never waited it to dry completely. Today...
  4. P

    Stunted growth? or just a dwarf strain? I am confused!

    Will I still get an near accurate reading upon flushing even if I watered it two days ago?
  5. P

    Stunted growth? or just a dwarf strain? I am confused!

    I have been very cautiously monitored the ph if water that I gave to my plant (~6.5). Ph of the soil also seems to show neutral ph due to having dolomote lime. Could it possibly be due to having too much lime in the soil?
  6. P

    Stunted growth? or just a dwarf strain? I am confused!

    I started off with two plants, one with FFOF and one with coco/perlite. One with FFOF died early even though I only watered it, no nutes. The one i'm having problem seemed super healthy in the beginning but is showing dwarfed growth...I am very stressed out!
  7. P

    Stunted growth? or just a dwarf strain? I am confused!

    I am not sure how long they have been stocked for, but I've gotten them online only a few weeks ago. So, should I take it as it being simply stunted a bit? Is the plant looking healthy to you?
  8. P

    Stunted growth? or just a dwarf strain? I am confused!

    Hello all, Today is officially the day 20 since I planted my germinated seed (JD Easy Ryder) into 50/50 coco perlite soil. And, as you can see in the pics, my plant is rather small, and it's difficult to see the main stem. I have compared week 3 growth progress with other members' Easy Ryder...
  9. P

    Burnt leaf edges at such early age?

    Yeah 75F. Room can get to 80F to 85 depending on the weather.
  10. P

    Burnt leaf edges at such early age?

    How do you keep the temp down? My room seem to get a bit warm occasionally, and I keep the plant in a micro PC case.
  11. P

    Burnt leaf edges at such early age?

    Yeah, I am checking and controlling the pH. I read that I shouldn't give any nutrients for the first two weeks, and this is why I haven't given her any. I guess it's about time for nutrients! I have Humboldt's set. Should I simply follow the basic nutrient schedule? My plant is JD's Lowryder Auto.
  12. P

    Burnt leaf edges at such early age?

    Hi guys, I have started seeing burnt leaf edges since about a day or so. It had not have this problem until now (This is week 2 since plantation of the germinated seeds), so I am not sure what this is about. The temp has kept near 75F and humidity has been normal. I have watered it every 4...
  13. P

    My baby is sick...Please help :(

    Guys, it's been about 4 days since my last post, but I still don't see much improvement on the sick one. The other one is doing very well. Do you guys see any sign of it getting better? The yellowing leaves look pretty much dead to me, although the new set of leaflets look pretty good...
  14. P

    Am I using enough lighting on my babies?

    Good to know! although, I feel like my growing medium has such a limited space for extra bulbs. It will be possible to replace current 27w bulbs with higher wattage bulbs though.
  15. P

    Am I using enough lighting on my babies?

    My plants are actually now situated right below the lights. The image above was taken last week before I planted my seedlings ;)