Late post of my order from the dear Santa sale…*top 4 was what I ordered, rest… was magical! *& does anyone here know the discord for csi Humboldt that can share it with me
Yep same this was talked about during the holidays. A few of us posted about no confirmation emails and stuff. I take screenshots after placing the order on the site now just incase… but it happened again during the Giesel drop. I placed two orders with two different emails but again no...
Yep normally I get the email confirmation after placing the order but on the last night of the sale after placing the order I noticed I didn’t get an email either.. luckily I screenshot the order on the csi website but it’s been days and that email never hit my mailbox
Gage green group dude still spreading his St. George what ever the fuck story about who made cookies according to him Berner found the unstable phenos from a bag of weed Berner bought from them lol & is now calling csi nspecta a pig ♂ !!! K powers & Sfluxcapacitor jigga cleared all those fake...
Count me in as someone who hasn’t popped any seeds that have turned into junk weed Lol. Specially fems because that’s mostly what I got. They all grow dank. Even the shitty unknown freebies with no hopes turn dank. Maybe I’m not as picky in my plants but shit all seeds I’ve popped have produce...
Another pack of cherry pie x F1durb came in today along with 2 free packs of some GSC S1 Forum & a special pack of FLO RIDA OG X F1durb! Nspecta always doing everyone right right !!