Recent content by PJ(StonerFitness)

  1. PJ(StonerFitness)

    I want to help you be a healthy pothead!

    Completely understood! Will do.
  2. PJ(StonerFitness)

    I want to help you be a healthy pothead!

    Hello! I'm on a mission to help cannabis connoisseurs live a healthy life. This seems like a perfect place to reach the community to learn how I can help. It's great to be here! Love, PJ
  3. PJ(StonerFitness)

    6 Reasons Why Exercise Is Better On Weed

    I agree very strongly with this post. Especially point #6. I don’t always work out high, but I notice my focus improves when I do. I’m more aware of my muscle movement and I keep my form in check. The only downside I’ve noticed is occasionally, I’ll stare off into space and take too long...