Recent content by Pidgeon

  1. Pidgeon

    7' H x 6' W x 7' L Grow Box 1000 W MH, Suggestions Please!

    I imagine it would work, as long as you had a "cool tube" kinda thing over the bulb that would draw out heat, but even then you would need to keep that light all the way at the top. Also, It is better to have only a passive intake so you can scrub the air with a carbon filter or something when...
  2. Pidgeon

    News Reporter Arrested at DNC for....

    "Let us be clear: the name is not “Recreate Chicago 68” or “Recreate the DNC 68.”" What’s in a Name? Wasn't it the police that started that riot in Chicago? Weren't there peaceful protesters and onlookers that were beaten for no reason? Didn't the police also...
  3. Pidgeon

    McCain and Obama: Canidates for Sale

    Yeah, but with the way things are now..I don't see a revolution happening any time soon.
  4. Pidgeon

    News Reporter Arrested at DNC for....

    Well, I guess you share the same elitist view as many of the police officers did. Let me say this again..there was no threat to any person during these protests. There was no sign of any violence UNTIL provoked by the riot police. I guess everyone has their own opinion about the situation, but...
  5. Pidgeon

    McCain and Obama: Canidates for Sale

    The only problem tho, is that he never really tells how he is going to bring change. He just makes promises (like every other politician who has ever been part of the political campaign) that I am not so sure he can keep. Take for instance during his acceptance speech he said that within 10...
  6. Pidgeon

    News Reporter Arrested at DNC for....

    The Rage show was awesome, they really know how to get a crowd excited. Well, the police really didn't ask them to move they basically showed up and started shouting "MOVE!" then when they wouldn't they brought out the tear gas, mace, rubber bullets, and started beating and arresting the people...
  7. Pidgeon

    News Reporter Arrested at DNC for....

    Oh, also it is funny how the group Recreate68 are being called Anarchists which isn't true at all. They are just a group of proactive young adults who want to get back to the way thing were in 1968 politically. Their entire message is one of love, but they are being treated like terrorists and...
  8. Pidgeon

    News Reporter Arrested at DNC for....

    I have never had any problems with the Denver PD before, and yeah you are right I am sure the majority of them were not actually from Denver considering the amount of police (I mean there were all over the place). Usually the police in that area don't even bust people dealing weed in the park...
  9. Pidgeon

    Amazing Photo Blog of Protests outside the DNC

    You weren't there to see how these guys were being treated. It was total bullshit from my viewpoint. The park is on the other side of the Downtown from where the Pepsi center is; there was absolutely no need for the level of police and force for that area. Seems like the media just took a blind...
  10. Pidgeon

    Amazing Photo Blog of Protests outside the DNC

    Man, I don't know. The entire Civic Park area had TONS of cops there. Plus, they had cops on horseback (around 20 of em) constantly patrolling the area. Seriously the cops around here are usually really laid back, but something really pissed em off for some reason. The "anarchists" that were...
  11. Pidgeon

    McCain and Obama: Canidates for Sale

    Like some of you guys I was an Obama supporter since the whole process started. But, I think lately Obama has really changed way too much since he was a senator in Illinois. His policies have changed to support the lobbyists and his largests contributors. The whole two-party system seems like it...
  12. Pidgeon

    News Reporter Arrested at DNC for....

    I don't know if there was a video of this yet or not, but there was a group called 'Recreate68' that was protesting at the Civic Center Park that started getting a bit out of hand and ran out in the street and made a barricade shouting something like "these are our streets!" while blocking all...
  13. Pidgeon

    Leaf problem and a big headache!

    The bud should be fine as long as you keep them healthy from now on. Also hopefully none of them turn out to be Hermi due to stress. Just make sure you keep ph within 5-6 and keep good air circulation.
  14. Pidgeon

    how to prepare for extra budding

    Some plants don't react as well to topping/fimming as well as others. You just kinda have to learn by experience which plants like it and which don't.
  15. Pidgeon

    Fruity Juice! Day 55

    Try out Jack Herer.