Recent content by Peyote Ugly

  1. P

    :Joint: Tokin'

    the only way to legalize pot is to get our own lobbyists and stop other lobbyists from paying ridiculous amounts of money to keep it illegal. Also great forum!
  2. P

    Is There Any THC In Resin?

    resin i think has more of the other two active ingredients than THC, though it will make you feel stoned.
  3. P

    What do you guys think of LSD

    it all depends on your mindset going in and your ability to maintain it if things start to go sour. Its like playing with fire if you arent careful Edit: I just noticed a whole forum dedicated to this kid of thing so Im going to go ahead and close this. EDIT: OH GOD I CANT CLOSE IT I AM FREAKING...
  4. P

    What do you guys think of LSD

    dont make fun of me :(
  5. P

    What do you guys think of LSD

    its like when I was on it I felt a connectivity with the world, but at the same time I felt purely individual. It is not to be messed with to be sure but I think if you Know wht you re gettin g into itis the best thing you could do for yourself
  6. P

    What do you guys think of LSD

    I think it is the best drug since sliced bread, but for some people, for some reason they think it is like evil personified. To be honest with you I think it helps me see God in a mystical way if not a religious way, I think it helps me see things clear.
  7. P

    Large Hadron Collider

    far more than trillions im afraid, it really is mind boggling, but those temps dont last very long, it cooled trillions of degrees within a second. If you really like this stuff look up inflation. It states that we are within sea of nothing, but that even nothing is unstable and that bubbles of...
  8. P

    Large Hadron Collider

    oh man I love physics, the supposed problem is that we will get something called "strange matter" if strange matter comes into contact with other matter it turns them into strange matter as well because the spin of the strange particle causes lesser or extra spin in the other particles im pretty...
  9. P


    smoke weed every other day
  10. P


    THC Oranges Oranges chock full of good 'ol triangle nine! Im sure you would not be able to smoke it but i bet you could make some bomb orange flavored hash :hump:
  11. P

    Things i learned this weekend

    if butane is bad can you still make oil w everclear?
  12. P

    The coolest thing you did in awile?

    Hmm. I'd say the coolest thing ive done within the last month was take a bunch of LSD smoked some sensi star (sp?) and watched wonder showzen, it is how i get down and im probably going to do it again this weekend! :mrgreen: