Recent content by pennyw1se

  1. pennyw1se

    March on DC 4-20-11

    Came across this yesterday. March on the Capitol Building on 4-20-2011. It's time we be heard.
  2. pennyw1se

    4-20-11 March on DC

    Came across this yesterday. Attend if you can. Invite everyone you know.
  3. pennyw1se

    Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

    And another site like thcfinder.
  4. pennyw1se

    Yea no doubt man. We may have to meet up sooner and blaze I harvest in a couple months.

    Yea no doubt man. We may have to meet up sooner and blaze I harvest in a couple months.
  5. pennyw1se

    Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

    Rzza I dont know if this was posted yet cause im too lazy to read through all the pages at the moment but
  6. pennyw1se

    few months outta the loop finally got my doctors referral about 2 months ago. just waiting on...

    few months outta the loop finally got my doctors referral about 2 months ago. just waiting on that plastic card to come in the mail lol. its a bitch carrying around all that paperwork.
  7. pennyw1se


    Yea rzza sorry I didnt make it down for the bash. Big problems between me and the gf hindered my plans..
  8. pennyw1se

    Why does my weed sparkle when smoked? ;P

    Could also be splash up from watering. the fert gets on the buds that way and then improper flushing. Thats the only time i've ever had the sparks from buds(other than seeds ofcourse but if your growing yourself you should be doing a sensimilla crop anyways).
  9. pennyw1se

    Me and couple friends are hitting up the bash tomorrow if you want to meet up.

    Me and couple friends are hitting up the bash tomorrow if you want to meet up.
  10. pennyw1se

    KMK Wheres the weed at

    I dont know the new Long Live the Kings sounds hot since they added Dirtball
  11. pennyw1se

    Pelosi moves to protect corruption in congress.

    Its funny you say that because I make under 29k a year so guess what if I do take health care you have to foot the bill anyways cause it will be free to me. “(A) including in the registry, in a manner...
  12. pennyw1se

    Still wont let me start a pm on the forum.

    Still wont let me start a pm on the forum.
  13. pennyw1se

    I'm on live chat right now if you want to hop on and talk.

    I'm on live chat right now if you want to hop on and talk.
  14. pennyw1se

    manicuring much to handle product

    Still not a bad harvest looks pretty good.
  15. pennyw1se

    i'll be back on around 930 - 10. Hit me up if your on then.

    i'll be back on around 930 - 10. Hit me up if your on then.