Recent content by peadrojones

  1. peadrojones

    Who Believes In God?

    Iesus is GOD I pray for all of you to meet the LORD thy GOD!!! There is a trinity GOD the FATHER the soone Iesus and HOLY SPIRIT!!! there is a powerful oposing force also the unholy trinity the antichrist ect.. the devil controls this world today GOD allows him to roam the earth free to...
  2. peadrojones

    //-----1000w hps or 600w hps-----\\

    If you had a room to use the 1000 on a celling fan with the motor governed at a close to stand still speed would flower alot of crops but you need the room
  3. peadrojones

    Grandaddy Purple

    bwkmid where you get dots for that strain at? looks GREAT
  4. peadrojones

    First Grow with Aerogarden and 400W HPS light Comments Welcome Lots of PICS!

    Matt how was that church strain? sweet, fruity, harsh, earthy
  5. peadrojones


    a peice of spong or will you need to use rockwool or what medium to support the plant in the holes?
  6. peadrojones

    My aerogardengrow

    How well would the cfl make the plant flower I would not think the plant would produce alot of thc because the plants prouduces the thc for protection against heat and clf are noy hot an dont the humidity need to be low with intense heat in the flowering stage for best results?
  7. peadrojones

    How do I get a Medical License to grow

    to us medical weed dosent exist and like so many are not eligible cuz of where we reside I need a good small amount to get up out of bed because of my back I need it to sleep because I got ADHD I dont eat without it no desire to eat I hate food a waste of time money and sleep is a waste there...
  8. peadrojones


    We got eyez but we havent seen athing, We got lips but they aint loose for nuttin, a rat should never eat NO WHERE!!! K=ILL A=LL R=ATS :blsmoke: burnem like bluntz:mrgreen: so when you get caught by the jake NEVER SNITCH cuz exterminates rodents think itz a GAME nope GAMZ got RULZ out here itz...
  9. peadrojones

    Another Old Hippie Signs In!

    Man its just change I got guyz that pay 50 per gram of the excotic one hitter fruit flavor the 100 dolla eights we kant keep em on dec we are deprived down here but I can happily pay 1800 for a cutey pie turn the rent an blow like a king it pays to network with the west K.A.R exterminatorz we do...
  10. peadrojones

    Another Old Hippie Signs In!

    Purple power taste GREAT HELLO World keep blazing
  11. peadrojones

    New Member Givin Respect

    what up nj welcome to the palace for the higher educated
  12. peadrojones

    Why do we want marijuana legalized?

    The value of the plant would be devastating on all the businesses that prosper on prohibition the wealthy legal criminals the real murders and kingpins would not be able to get the common guy in the system as easy to get him in the pocket the good ole revolving doors that has the whole MO MONEY...
  13. peadrojones

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    nice operation idea how long will it take to start producing every 2 weeks and get in the cycle
  14. peadrojones

    I found my corner of the internet!

    to get the rank of stranger promoted and what are the ranks?
  15. peadrojones

    Whoooty Hue

    BRO I taught you about that an why you using pdro like me for you retard get it 2gether buddy!!!!!!