Recent content by pdeezy

  1. pdeezy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hey guys I'm hoping to join the 250w club soon, but I had a question. I've seen some 250w setups with the ballast attached to the hood, and some with it seperate. I was wondering if anyone knew the temp difference in the two? I would imagine that the same setup for a 400 or 600w would cause some...
  2. pdeezy

    Starting an indoor grow...just a few questions

    Lots of lookers and no talkers. I will take the silence to mean that my idea isn't too stupid, and move forward. Hopefully I'll have an update within a month or so. I'm off to peruse craigslist for a used 250W.
  3. pdeezy

    Starting an indoor grow...just a few questions

    What's up guys. I haven't grown in a while, and I'm tired of the prices around these days so I'm getting back in the game. I have a small space available to me, so I'm thinking of running a 250W in one of these...
  4. pdeezy

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    I have read them all before, just not in like a year or so. I have all of the methods down, I just wanted to know if someone knew where I could find a list of specifics. I wasn't trying to piss anyone off. I asked for some general direction. Like...does he ever say exactly what he uses in his...
  5. pdeezy

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    I just want a supply list and some direction on how to make 4 of those DIY drain tables.
  6. pdeezy

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    Lol everyone just wants to view? Heeeeeeeelp me por favor, lol.
  7. pdeezy

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    I'm looking for a solid list on how to get started for an Al B Fuct copy. I've had a few grows go well, but now I want to crank it up a few notches, an Al B is a G so I'm going to copy him exactly. Problem is all of his threads have 100+ pages so I cant pinpoint a good list for everything i need...
  8. pdeezy

    HELP - Live out your fantasy.

    Do you know where i can find a supply list for a set up exactly like his? I looked through the pages and couldnt seem to pinpoint a solid list. I think im going to try his method to the letter the first few go arounds. That link wasnt working for me, i'll try again when im on a better comp...
  9. pdeezy

    HELP - Live out your fantasy.

    im assuming your plants grow a little more natural looking than my plan for lollipopping them? I am growing for about 8 people so we need to pack as many plants under the lights as we can. I was hoping to pack around 80 lollipopped plants under 2 1000W HPS's. Having 20 be cut every 14-20 days...
  10. pdeezy

    HELP - Live out your fantasy.

    Hey guys, ive finished a few grows, and now i want to do it big as they say. I want to do an Al-b-fuct style prepetual grow. I want to know how you would do it, if cost was not an issue. I want to know what the perfect system is in your eyes. In turn i promise you will see the compilation of...
  11. pdeezy

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Ok guys setting up a new spot. Going for a prepetual grow here. Need some panda film like material to set up the room and to seperate a little room for the mothers and clones. Need at least 2 fans, probably more like 3. 2 1000W HPS set ups - hoods, ballasts, bulbs, chains. And i was thinking of...
  12. pdeezy

    4 Unknown Strains, CFL 3x30w

    what's the soil and what was the nute mix. Looks like they liked it. How much more vertical space do you have? U plan on using lst or scrog?
  13. pdeezy

    1st ever cfl stealth cabinet grow

    Is that square pot clear? If i remember correctly clear pots are bad because i think the light kills roots. You might wanna put some tape or sumn up around it. Just a suggestion bro, it looks good so far. All that room looks fucking inspiring, lol. I should have a thread up soon on my stealth...
  14. pdeezy

    Jealous's 156W CFL Rubbermaid Fem'd Bubblicious Grow

    Just got all caught up. Lookin good bro. I'm actually workin on my rubbermaid cab atm and they are pretty similar. You gave me a few good ideas bro. Is it too late to scrog? You could probably rig up some tubes running down through the scrog for watering and such if you're worried about that...
  15. pdeezy

    What do you guys think? Outdoor from bagseed.

    here's some more pics, better close up, showing some trichs forming already and another one showing all the tops, there's at least 20 , I'll count them sometime lemme know what you guys think