Recent content by Pat262

  1. P

    Black with yellow stripe Caterpillar's How to kill them

    Looks like the tobacco, habanero,dash of dawn and garlic spray did work, 2 weeks after the spray never found a bad bug in the place. The spray did stun them for about a week. Id recommend a good rinse off a day or two after spraying to prevent possible mold and recovery. No noticeable flavor or...
  2. P


    Search You Tube : Washing Away Powdery Mildew, several differant ways to do it from the looks of it.
  3. P

    Black with yellow stripe Caterpillar's How to kill them

    Ive done a few things, first i defoliated a bit so its easier to find them, I put plastic down covered with diatomaceous earth so when they fall they have to crawl in that, and third i hunt for them and pick them off as i see them. I found if i shake the plants i can hear what falls out of the...
  4. P

    Black with yellow stripe Caterpillar's How to kill them

    I just notice these the other day, what are they and whats best to kill them, im 3 weeks in flower.