Recent content by ParkourMarkus

  1. ParkourMarkus

    Recommended Literary Philosophy for Children

    Also I was read The Little Prince when I was young and it imprinted some ideas on me. haha.
  2. ParkourMarkus

    Recommended Literary Philosophy for Children

    Epics. Read your children The Odyssey, The Illiad, The Epic of Inkidu and Gilgamesh, Native American Creation Stories, The Mahabharata. These are much more interesting than "philosophy" texts but contain the same implicit questions and ideas.
  3. ParkourMarkus

    Ahhh Kava Kava, Any growers?

    I knew someone who grew this in their greenhouse, but they had a serious love of plants..I don't think you can grow kava kava unless you're in a tropical environment. But then again, what do I know.
  4. ParkourMarkus

    Smuggling drugs into a festival with sniffer dogs

    Yeah most of the festival dogs aren't sniffing for drugs. You can't really mask a scent for a drug dog, best you can do is make it so there is no scent in the first place. Use gloves, don't let whatever touch the bag, wrap it in tons of plastic then put it in a wooden box then in another box etc...
  5. ParkourMarkus

    Scientifically Speaking

    You can find signs anywhere if you're looking.
  6. ParkourMarkus

    Does anyone want to receive Spiritual Enlightenment?

    Why would "God" even have anything to do with an idea like "effect"? The idea of an effect is a human one to explain a finite phenomenon, which has nothing to do with any so called "god" I would imagine.
  7. ParkourMarkus

    Honey Bees

    Took care of some once on a co-op..they're really cool as long as you know wtf you're doing, it's pretty easy though, just read up a bit.
  8. ParkourMarkus

    Anyon Do Fantasy baseball

    Yeah right? It ruins being an actual fan for me sometimes...hard stuff..
  9. ParkourMarkus

    money deposit question

    Depends if you have a legitimate source of income to claim that money is coming from somewhere...the IRS notices the kind of stuff you have/buy if you get audited's nice to turn your money legitimate through a bank+business.
  10. ParkourMarkus

    Calling All Colorado Growers!!!

    lol..that's not exactly how diplomatic immunity works...and what country do you come from that doesn't follow international drug laws? Even the pro marijuana countries usually comply with the FEDs on US laws.
  11. ParkourMarkus

    1st silk-road experience

    This thing about silkroad not being safe is in some ways true, in some ways nonsense. People have a misconception that you're untraceable which is completely untrue. Using some intense statistical models you can still be traced through bitcoin, and even tor can be tracked. The thing is it costs...
  12. ParkourMarkus

    HBWR LSA question.

    LSA trip won't ever be extremely intense. Mostly visuals. But you're way off need like 100 seeds at least, although that's just me remembering off hand. Check erowid.
  13. ParkourMarkus

    Friend is offering me Sassafras?

    It's just mdma...the stuff made from sass is actually usually not very high purity, although it varies. Honestly without a chem lab all of that shit is pretty impossible. A test kit will tell you if it's actually mdma though (rare as well...usually mda with some speed or caffiene).
  14. ParkourMarkus

    salami and cigarettes

    It's the sulfides. They coat the taste receptors in a weird way.