Recent content by papakush6

  1. P

    Club 600 Breeding Showcase

    give it a shot what do u have to lose
  2. P

    Club 600

    don't know u but hate the feds they wont stop it will b legal soon every where keep on trucking
  3. P

    Club 600

    that totally sux keep your head high don't they know it will not stop no matter what they do
  4. P

    Club 600

  5. P

    Club 600 Breeding Showcase

    ok ill try that next time thanks for the tip
  6. P

    don trying to figure this all out new to this remember this give a man a joint he gets high...

    don trying to figure this all out new to this remember this give a man a joint he gets high teach a man to grow he gets high for a life time
  7. P

    hey Mohican I live aliso Viejo not to far away cant figure how to respond to the alert ill get...

    hey Mohican I live aliso Viejo not to far away cant figure how to respond to the alert ill get eventually so didn't want u to think I wasn't going to respond so fly low and avoid the radar
  8. P

    not 76 more like 56

    not 76 more like 56
  9. P

    Club 600

    I quit to drive big rig going back is like staring over from the beginning 1 hit and im out
  10. P

    Club 600

  11. P

    Club 600 Breeding Showcase

    beautiful looking bud hopefully soon dez and I will have something as good to post
  12. P

    Club 600 Breeding Showcase

    still having a problem getting any where but ill get eventually
  13. P

    Club 600 Breeding Showcase

    dez want to thank u for setting me up with a great grow and for getting me to this great site