Recent content by PanaceaMMJ

  1. P

    Drying and curing in this summer heat

    ALWAYS better to dry it too much than not enough! The stem snap test is time tested!
  2. P

    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    We need to all get behind this with gusto.
  3. P

    What I learned from recent trip to Oregon

    Brrrrrrrrrr! The NW is one area of the country i have never vistited. I hope to fix that soon.
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    Dispensary quality? I want to grow my own dirt!

    @Tempe420 these pics look solid. Bottom line is this, a commercial product is always going to be a step behind an experienced grower who is hoovering over 6 plants in his spare bedroom and can spend 20 hours hand manicuring those 6 plants. Dispensaries play an important role of...
  5. P

    I heard Elements is being raided

    Really? We were visiting with their staff the other day?