Recent content by OverCloudz

  1. OverCloudz

    Topping impossible? Too compact

    i've topped before but just not under nodes
  2. OverCloudz

    Topping impossible? Too compact

    thanks guys, they are now sleeping but I'll cut under the node like @Budzbuddha showed. Just never seen someone doing this so i'm a bit scared
  3. OverCloudz

    Topping impossible? Too compact

    So I want to top my babies but 80% of them have no space to cut them. When I look pictures of people topping their plants, i can always see a clear stem where they cut it, but in my case, it’s too « compact » and not sure where to cut. I’m not sure what to do, should I wait for them to grow...
  4. OverCloudz

    Would you top/lollipop/defoliate now?

    What about topping them now?
  5. OverCloudz

    Would you top/lollipop/defoliate now?

    Hey guys, I didn’t defoliate and lollipop in my last growth and I realized after harvest that it was a huge mistake. I want to do it with this new crop and just wanna be sure I do it correctly at the right time. Would you top these babies now? What about lollipoping and defoliating now too?
  6. OverCloudz

    Drain pump (condensate pump) with run-off trays

    what about just a normal cheap non-submersible pump and just have it timed to run for 15 min after every watering? Would this be a good option? let me show a better image. Can I just connect a wall socket on the wire? What do you guys think of 2.5L per minute for 15 x 5 gallons coco
  7. OverCloudz

    Drain pump (condensate pump) with run-off trays

    Would this one be low profile? I assume that the white pipe is the intake, it seems to be low enough? It says 2.5L per minute which i have no idea if it's enough for flushing 15 x 5 gallons coco but i would think not. It's also made for ac units so it has wires but no wall plug, I have to diy...
  8. OverCloudz

    Drain pump (condensate pump) with run-off trays

    do you mean the bucket company has their own pump? I can't buy it where I live, they don't sell it so I have to go with alternatives. I got these trays vs having a flood table tray because of the extra height it gives to my plants so raising the trays is not what i want to do here.
  9. OverCloudz

    Drain pump (condensate pump) with run-off trays

    I'm building an auto drain set up using the bucket company ez-pz runoff trays. Here is my question, How can the water reach the top of the pump if the pipes are 2-3cm of the floor? Gravity is not doing a good enough job here, It doesn't seem to have enough pressure or is there something i don't...
  10. OverCloudz

    Tap water vs RO vs carbon filter

    After more research, this is what I understand from this debate (can you guys tell me if there is something false) First, everyone should test their water and see what filter options to get. But most of us won't do that. Also everyone should at least have a carbon filter. - 300+ ppm tap water...
  11. OverCloudz

    Tap water vs RO vs carbon filter

    rain water would be too complicated
  12. OverCloudz

    Tap water vs RO vs carbon filter

    Here is a picture of what you are talking about. Are you talking about the post carbon filter? So if i understand correctly, this will bring back minerals into the water like calcium/magnesium, bump the ppm and PH. Why not just throw some ph down afterwards? Isn't it a good thing to have?
  13. OverCloudz

    Tap water vs RO vs carbon filter

    If cost is the only reason to go with a carbon filter vs RO, I found this unit, 100$usd, 100GPD, 6 filters. I don't know if it's good enough though. I'm changing my mind every seconds with this decision for some reason, can't make up my mind :D
  14. OverCloudz

    Tap water vs RO vs carbon filter

    Got it, I thought the polluted water would make you guys with more experience lead to RO but not. I’ll start looking for carbon filters, thanks guys
  15. OverCloudz

    Tap water vs RO vs carbon filter

    So if you had a RO filter and a carbon filter at home, you would still use the carbon for plants and not the RO? Is the reason for keeping some of the wanted minerals?