Recent content by Ouss0176

  1. Ouss0176

    Injustice in Palestine

    I recommend seeing this report
  2. Ouss0176

    Injustice in Palestine

    You can confirm that by a little search in the internet. it's sadly only available in arabic. But you can deduse that yourself imagine being surrounded from all sides how would you get supplies. All that I am not even talking about the huge technological advance that Israel have, every rocket...
  3. Ouss0176

    Injustice in Palestine

    It's so weird that all over the media you can inly hear again and again that the Zionist have the right to self defense. From gaza? Which has been surrounded and besieged for 10 years now not letting anything coming through to them from food to medicine to supplies, they have even been stealing...
  4. Ouss0176

    My first grow brown spots on leaves help

    Old lower leaves at the same level are getting yellow and falling. No bugs or fungus to be seen, I think it's rather something else (I used until now half of the recommended dose of top veg from top crop to begin with so I think it's rather a deficiency) or maybe stress because I transplanted it...
  5. Ouss0176

    My first grow brown spots on leaves help

    At first I thought it was nitrogen deficiency but today I noticed these spots on the new leaves. Anyone has an idea??