Recent content by Orangeman

  1. Orangeman

    Good drugs / Bad drugs

    Some pharmaceutical drugs, very potent marijuana, mushrooms and stuff like that. I haven't really done much besides pharm's and weed but I plan on growing shrooms soon. And I don't really even fuck with pills and stuff a lot or even much at all. I'm pretty satisfied with marijuana, sorta stuck...
  2. Orangeman

    Beat This

    upinchronic, your avatar, lol wtf...
  3. Orangeman

    Beat This

    Yeah, better off being sold to people that don't know what the hell they're doing lol. Just a waste of smoke in my lung :spew: although I did experiment with firecrackers with them. I gotta sorta higher than I would have if I was smokin it but the firecrackers were nasty as shit.
  4. Orangeman

    Beat This

    Because it was a bag seed and although it yielded a lot it's probably because the strain was more weedy, just constantly developing buds instead of developing a nice set of buds and maturing those trichomes lol. I dunno either that or it was suppose to go for like 24 weeks or something but at...
  5. Orangeman

    Taking mushrooms alone?

    Yeah, people who are used to shrooms can do it. I think all drugs are like that, I mean marijuana does nothing to my mentality as far as my comprehension, but I know a lot of people I still smoke with that just get fuckin retarded and can't even operate a computer when they smoke with me...
  6. Orangeman

    Beat This

    Yeah, it's all good. First grows are the best. I hope you enjoy your harvest :).
  7. Orangeman

    Great Stoner Quotes

    "I did not inhale"
  8. Orangeman

    Plants Stopped Growing

    How much space does the roots have to grow?
  9. Orangeman

    Trichomes already?

    Yeah, my plants had 'em to. I looked at mines with a scope, just clear heads with no stalks. According to wikipedia I guess they are called. "Capitate-Sessile"
  10. Orangeman

    How Long Of 12/12 Until Sex Shows?

    So you've been growing for 44 days total with 14 of those days 12/12? Not sure I understood, but if so no need to worry, you still have a few more weeks to go before it shows anything :). Some plants show sex as early as 4-5 wks but some takes longer. You might wanna get a microscope to look at...
  11. Orangeman

    Beat This

    Lol you have a nice grow but I'd have to side with smokinjs on that comment. Don't get ahead of your self. That grow isn't exactly a "pants creamer" lol. I've seen better. Hell I even have about 20 beauts flowering right now.
  12. Orangeman

    How Long Of 12/12 Until Sex Shows?

    What week did you switch them to 12/12? If they have been going for 2 wks and still showing no sex then they are probably not old enough to switch into the flowering phase yet. When they are ready to flower and in 12/12 at least by 2 wks you'd still a pistil or a ball or something. Pics?
  13. Orangeman

    How many grams are in a blunt, dime, 20, 1/4sxc

    I think I'd be the one to walk away with everyones chron lol.
  14. Orangeman

    Only into day 3 of my flush and have over 85% amber trichomes. What do I do?

    You're gonna be stoned like a mo'fo lol.
  15. Orangeman

    Beat This

    ..oh, lol. Don't have to be so harsh. I'm sure he didn't mean to say a lb lol.