Recent content by oldwatershoes

  1. oldwatershoes

    Open Show and Tell 2017-18

    Fucking pro! Nice machine, does it do wet or dry or both?
  2. oldwatershoes

    Open Show and Tell 2017-18

    July 2017 Front right is my only 400 gallon, the other 23 are 300 gallon. Last year I had a smaller spot so they grew into each other. September 2016
  3. oldwatershoes

    Open Show and Tell 2017-18

    Sorry to hear brother. Peace to you and your family.
  4. oldwatershoes

    Open Show and Tell 2017-18

    The crop is coming along:weed:
  5. oldwatershoes

    Outdoor grow 2017 !!

    Do you have gophers? Be careful putting girls straight in the ground without any protection. If you want to pull the most weight possible smart pots are the way to go; I see you're on a strict budget but it's worth it in the end.
  6. oldwatershoes

    Open Show and Tell 2017-18

    Monster making in progress:twisted:. Just got all the girls transplant into 30gallons. Next month they go into their final 300 gallon homes.
  7. oldwatershoes

    100 lbs Dreams

    Hit my goal, then went 20 over that and called it good. Hashed the rest of what was left using JJ's venture as a modelthis lifestyle is crazy but I love it, always have. Preping the new spot. On to the next growing season.
  8. oldwatershoes

    100 lbs Dreams

    Grindin hard:hump:. :peace:
  9. oldwatershoes

    100 lbs Dreams

    Just painters plastic from Home Depot, 3.5m
  10. oldwatershoes

    100 lbs Dreams

    Hey all! Been a while since my last update. We made it to harvest season! Not out of the woods yet but I can smell sweet success(puns intended) but this is no time to let our guard down!Been busy as hell and I'm sure all the rest of you farmers have been too. I've been battling budworms and...
  11. oldwatershoes

    100 lbs Dreams

    Took em out of the 30 gallon smart pot, had to cut along the side seam of the pots to get em out safely. I'm sure you could just plop a smart pot inside a smart pot but my guess is it would impede on growth to some degree. Also, I sew back up the side of my 30 gallons and re-use them. I think if...
  12. oldwatershoes

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    That's a sexy looking girl you got there:twisted:
  13. oldwatershoes

    100 lbs Dreams

    Buried in work but loving it:hump:
  14. oldwatershoes

    doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

    Hey JJ. I read your post on the trimbot from a few years back and I also see from more current posts you guys look like you use the Trimpal these days. Seems like you have positive experiences with both trimmers for the given situations. I've always done smaller grows and stuck with strictly...
  15. oldwatershoes

    100 lbs Dreams
