Recent content by Odishaw3

  1. Odishaw3

    Are they Healthy?? Why the dropping??

    Yes it is dimmable... You think the lights on to high?? They have been under that light close to a month.. what are you looking for when you say light stressed I’m just curious? as for the perlite how would I do that without wrecking the roots?? The roots on them all look nice and white and are...
  2. Odishaw3

    Are they Healthy?? Why the dropping??

    I might not have good enough drainage I’m gonna build some self draining saucers or put them up on 2 by 4s
  3. Odishaw3

    Are they Healthy?? Why the dropping??

    My temp is at 21-26 c always
  4. Odishaw3

    Are they Healthy?? Why the dropping??

    Ok I left them till they basically wilted last time and I gonna do that again this time is that right?
  5. Odishaw3

    Are they Healthy?? Why the dropping??

    Everywhere I’ve read has said I should be watering them daily. I’m also worried they might not be getting enough drainage. I use a turkey Baster and take the water out after but I can’t always get all of it. There’s even a little algae on the coco coir as well,
  6. Odishaw3

    Are they Healthy?? Why the dropping??

    I am using coco coir I should of added. And the light is an Hlg 550 v2 at 36 inches
  7. Odishaw3

    Are they Healthy?? Why the dropping??

    Here’s the rest. If they look good then it would be good to know haha. The new growth looks good that’s good right lol??
  8. Odishaw3

    Are they Healthy?? Why the dropping??

    Hey guys.. sorry I been wondering what’s going on with my plants for a bit now.. I had a bit of a cal mag deficiency and then I think I was overwatering them due to being in 5 gallon fabric pots after the first transplant. I have taken the watering back to every 2 days instead of every day and...
  9. Odishaw3

    How do my plants look?? And are those balls on the one??

    K thanks lol. Also I’m starting to realize that I was overwatering my plants and that’s what a lot of the issue was.. can my plants recover from this since I am still vegging?
  10. Odishaw3

    How do my plants look?? And are those balls on the one??

    Hey guys just wondering how you guys think my plants are looking.. they started to wilt a bit cuz I left them for to long a couple days ago to water them but they seem to have bounced back.. my only concern is the leaves seem to be clawed down a bit??? Or is it just me?? Is that a nitrogen...
  11. Odishaw3

    Confirm these are males?

    Ya it’s good thing I asked you guys haha I almost chopped a couple of them tonight..thanks again
  12. Odishaw3

    Confirm these are males?

    Yea I haven’t started 12/12 yet just like you said jumping the gun. Thanks for the help
  13. Odishaw3

    Confirm these are males?

    Ya you guys are all right hahah I’m so worried abo it having a male that everything looks male to me lmao. I will give it some more time. Patience right lol