Recent content by nyyankeessuck327

  1. nyyankeessuck327

    Sex my baby up. Please. (Pics)

    Okay, maybe I wasn't completely clear and I apologize. I purchased 10 feminized seeds of Brainstorm Strand. currently I have 3 plants, 1 that is of the brainstorm strand that I know is a female because it has hairs already showing. Along with the purchase came 5 free seeds of Skunk strand. The...
  2. nyyankeessuck327

    Sex my baby up. Please. (Pics)

    5-10 days? Its been 3 weeks. So now what
  3. nyyankeessuck327

    Growing Brainstorm! First time Grower!

    Here are some more pictures!
  4. nyyankeessuck327

    Sex my baby up. Please. (Pics)

    YES, im sure. I planted the seed in early may. Im well past veg state
  5. nyyankeessuck327

    Sex my baby up. Please. (Pics)

    Please tell me if this is a male or a female. I am currently growing three plants. I am posting pics of the two plants that I think are males. They look similar. I know for sure that the other plant is a female. I purchased feminized seeds. They are three weeks into flowering as of yesterday...
  6. nyyankeessuck327

    seeds shipped to Chicago! Not getting through

    I ordered some seeds online from Marijuana Seeds (cannabis Seeds) High Quality Low Prices. Amazing site! Good strands! They ship it to you from the U.K in a cd case. It passes through customs as a cd case. When you open it up, where the cd would usually be, you pry that open and theres a little...
  7. nyyankeessuck327

    Sex my baby up. Please. (Pics)

    one can only assume that fat nodes r good? What is the benefit of fat nodes?
  8. nyyankeessuck327

    Growing Brainstorm! First time Grower!

    According to the website, the brainstorm strand is a small to medium size plant. From the soil up, its 18" tall, i'm sure that its taller because I've added soil several times. Here are some more pictures. I'm still trying to determine the plants sex. I hope that these aren't that blurry
  9. nyyankeessuck327

    Growing Brainstorm! First time Grower!

    Just wanted to update this post. I am two 1/2 weeks into the flowering stage and I have 3 plants growing. Here are recent pictures taken tonight, 7/12/2008.
  10. nyyankeessuck327

    Sex my baby up. Please. (Pics)

    Can you sex my plant for me?? Here are some pictures
  11. nyyankeessuck327

    Growing Brainstorm! First time Grower!

    Can you tell me if my plant is male or female?? I only know that males grow what look like balls but in these pictures it looks like the stem is swollen? Is that considered a ball or is this female characteristics?
  12. nyyankeessuck327

    Growing Brainstorm! First time Grower!

    I just changed my light cycle today to 12/12. Hopefully I'll start to see the fruits of my labor in the next coming weeks. Pictures to come soon.
  13. nyyankeessuck327

    Sex my baby up. Please. (Pics)

    Just out of curiousity because i'm on my first grow and I purchased feminized sees, but I guess for future reference, why are male plants something that you would just kill after putting an effort into growing it?
  14. nyyankeessuck327

    Growing Brainstorm! First time Grower!

    Thanks for the pics Mr.Fishy. One of my 3 plants is about a foot tall now. A week from monday is when i'm going to change the light cycle to 12/12. I'm going out of town on Thursday and so I don't want to mess anything up if the plants are in the light too long or vice versa because my lights...
  15. nyyankeessuck327

    Growing Brainstorm! First time Grower!

    Your plants look like that with only 40w fluorescent lamps?? I heard that the 40w lamps couldn't be used for flowering because they don't give off enough red rays or something like you use your 40w fluorescents with veg and flowering stage??