Ok cool, thank you so much. I’ll keep my fingers crossed, anything special I should feed her or care I should give her? I just transplanted them (3) two days ago. So there already a little stressed, now it’s raining…hope they’ll be ok. Also going from indoor lights to out side in Santa Cruz...
It’s just a couple months old, my real concern is the big whole left where bugs can crawl into my stem, is there some way to seal it so that can’t happen. Last year we had a big problem with the caterpillar or some kind of worms
I just stumbled upon a great alternative to using duct tape or scotch tape to try and repair or reattach a broken branch. I’m not even sure of exactly what it’s called but it’s the Curad sports bandage it’s the best it doesn’t even stick to the branch at all only to itself, yet you can get it...
I know this has come up in the past but I’d like to see if there’s any fresh information out there on the subject. Earlier a branch on the bottom of my moms plant broke completely off, it kinda peeled a little more down as it broke. So it’s now completely detached. I tried to scotch tape it back...