Recent content by Nexus Polaris

  1. Nexus Polaris

    Lowryder 2 Seed Warning..

    Bought a pack of Lowryder2 fems and they are not auto-flowering! lol, I know, it sounds crazy. Already grown the LR2 fems first time and it turned out to be a really great plant and smoke, but literally, my new 3 fems i planted are not auto flowering as they should but the other 7 auto's are...
  2. Nexus Polaris

    Cali's Rotating ladies.

    +rep. awsome plants!!
  3. Nexus Polaris

    ISO Hash Oil! Worth it?????!!!!!??!!?!

    Reporting in, so after many hours of hard work I used about a quarter of ground bud and 91%iso and got about a gram of the stickiest shit on earth. Turned out very dark almost black, but just a tiny drop on top of a bowl with make ur lungs cave, and followed by a very nice stone. Saving the rest...
  4. Nexus Polaris

    ISO Hash Oil! Worth it?????!!!!!??!!?!

    Did you even pay attention to what I am asking? I am asking for feedback from people who have actually done this.
  5. Nexus Polaris

    ISO Hash Oil! Worth it?????!!!!!??!!?!

    Ok, I seperated a lil bit out that I am gonna do the ISO method. If it turns out to be a disappointment, I will use the butane. But again, I am looking for some usefull information on my situation with ISO only.
  6. Nexus Polaris

    ISO Hash Oil! Worth it?????!!!!!??!!?!

    Ok, I got a lil lazy since I harvested a few weeks ago, and yes it happened, my last jar of bud molded. Now, since it is not completely covered with it I am going attempt to salvage about 2oz's by hashing it out with ISO. Now, this is what I need to know, and need to know ONLY so plz dont post...
  7. Nexus Polaris

    The Grass to Green thing.. need help

    I am not claiming it is a scam, I just never got shit in the mail, and have already been billed $30, but I cant find out how to contact them... the number that was left on my bank statement goes to a auto recording with no help.
  8. Nexus Polaris

    The Grass to Green thing.. need help

    I ordered my free kit, but it never arrived in the mail, and I cannot find a number to call and cancel since they have already billed me $30. Does anyone know a number to this thing so I can call and cancel all this stuff?
  9. Nexus Polaris

    22/f First grow DWC/CFL

    Woot Woot! time to get growing. I told you that you would be growing in no time. I hope you have a great grow. Best wishes!!!
  10. Nexus Polaris

    Organic Lowryd2, Deisel Ryder, AK, AK/Hindu Grow

    The square pots I have are 7ltr pots. I was having some problems a while back with them, which was either a defficiancy or overnutes, when they started turning yellow i freaked and transplanted into bigger pots, just to try it and see what would happen, and it worked. I do not recommend using...
  11. Nexus Polaris

    Organic Lowryd2, Deisel Ryder, AK, AK/Hindu Grow

    Now some dried bud porn. From L to R: LR2, AKxLR2, DieselxLR2
  12. Nexus Polaris

    Organic Lowryd2, Deisel Ryder, AK, AK/Hindu Grow

    Ok, many people have asked about my dry weight. I never weighed it as a whole, but last night I did weigh all the bud I had left. Came to 14 o's left after i have went through a few ounces. So, with my 8 plants I yeilded over a LB of A+ dank. The potency is all there, dont be fooled by people...
  13. Nexus Polaris

    22 female first grow nut help!!

    Booo, shame on you dude, this should be a humble place, where we help people and guide people as kindly as possible. Comments like yours will discourage new people wanting to learn about cultivation from coming here. People get excited and do things without research, may not be the best idea all...
  14. Nexus Polaris

    Organic Lowryd2, Deisel Ryder, AK, AK/Hindu Grow

    Ok, havent got all the pics of harvest n shit up yet, but I been real busy. I started putting them in jars today, got 12 jars so far and I still got 3 plants under light and 2 in the closet that got to be put in jars. Hard to say what a dry weight gonna be like, they lost alot of weight drying...
  15. Nexus Polaris

    Organic Lowryd2, Deisel Ryder, AK, AK/Hindu Grow

    A pic of the AK and a tiny Diesel girl that took some abuse. I chopped another fat AK girl last night, will have pics of that up soon.