Recent content by NewbGrower_1400

  1. N

    Help Plant dying! Is it the heat or humidity?

    She’s getting better she got a bit taller but her leaves are getting better can’t wait to check on her tomorrow
  2. N

    Help Plant dying! Is it the heat or humidity?

    Well I messed up I’m new as my name suggests. Hope it recovers
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    Help Plant dying! Is it the heat or humidity?

    Ok so here’s what I did to fix some of the problems First the heat, I fixed it,the temps im getting right now is 70s-80s. Second the pot, I transplanted my plant Into a 1 gallon pot and the roots did look white and healthy. Now the watering, I think I fucked up with this one. My pot was still...
  4. N

    Help Plant dying! Is it the heat or humidity?

    I know for a fact there not over watered each time I came back from work the soil was dry 1 inch or more down As well as the leaves feel dry to the touch
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    Help Plant dying! Is it the heat or humidity?

    Yea there’s holes at the button and in my grow box it used to get pretty hot 80s and up even up to the 90s and sometimes 100. My plants used to look healthy like a week ago the picture down below is how it used to look Btw my plant is 2 weeks old
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    Help Plant dying! Is it the heat or humidity?

    So my plant in the last 2-3 days have been curling down, they seem healthy still green but the button leaf seems to be yellowing. Can someone telling me the problem? I have them somewhat close to the led 300w And it gets pretty hot in there like in the 80s-85s
  7. N

    Does My Plant Look Ok? It’s Been Uprooted by a dumbass

    So here’s to pictures Is it going to be ok and make it? And it’s been super cold we’re I live, it gets down to 45 degrees f
  8. N

    Day 8 Auto Flower, is it looking good?

    I have them under 4 cfls 23 watts, 1600 lumens and 6500k each I get temps around 76-86f I have my thermometer next to my plant and right under my lights like 2-3 inches away
  9. N

    Is this how a week 2 plant supposed to look? Is it to small

    Yea I’m using RO water from those machines at the groceries store and the ph is about 6.5 Is it the lighting? I’m using 4 cfls each 23 watts
  10. N

    Is this how a week 2 plant supposed to look? Is it to small

    My plant is 2 weeks old and I’m wondering if it’s to small or just about the size it’s supposed to be I’m using 4 cfls 23 watts each and temp inside my grow box is about 75-85. Not using any nutes yet just my fox farm soil.