Recent content by Neto

  1. Neto

    First time grower New Zealand

    Nice one, yeah Seedsman was giving away a few freebies too. How’s it growing outdoors with our shitty weather, I’m too much of a control freak for it I think lol
  2. Neto

    First time grower New Zealand

    If they were going to look into it more they probably would’ve done it by now aye. As long as they don’t hold on to yr address for any follow ups. Just wondering did the seed seller have stealth sending option & will u be able to get replacement seeds - I’m keen to know what seeds people are...
  3. Neto

    First time grower New Zealand

    What happens if they are intercepted? Do they come to the delivery address?
  4. Neto

    First time grower New Zealand

    Yeah it is expensive. I used soil, my clones this time I’m trying coco coir & see how that grows. Good luck, it’s addictive
  5. Neto

    First time grower New Zealand

    I ordered from Seedsman came through no probs. I agree with KiwiPaulie, outdoors too much out of yr control, if u can try indoor, just had my first harvest & am ready to flip my second, it’s hard work but love it :-D
  6. Neto

    perpitual grow

    Any assistance would be great, if yr pulling that much please let me in on yr secrets
  7. Neto

    Exhausting into crawl space?

    Its just the window it has to go into is right on a walkway I was looking at these but it would be able to be seen & would look out of place.
  8. Neto

    Exhausting into crawl space?

    There’s a louvre window & I can take the top pane out but as it’s right by a walkway the air blowing out will be right there, even thought about putting it into a plumbing pipe on the side of the house but nah it would be too obvious
  9. Neto

    Exhausting into crawl space?

    I can but not so it won’t look obvious
  10. Neto

    Exhausting into crawl space?

    Just wanting some advice, I’m moving my tent to a different room & wondered if I could put the ducting up into an existing down light hole in the roof - taking the light out of course. I will need to make to hole slightly bigger but wondered if I can exhaust into the space between floors of my...
  11. Neto

    Is this a bloody male?!

    Yeah sounds about right, I added 2 600w HPS about week 4 of flowering as the LEDS weren’t getting them to where they could’ve & it was pretty warm in there, so have been battling that since. I’m moving the tent to a different room after this harvest so will have better air intake etc
  12. Neto

    Is this a bloody male?!

    Again sorry if I sound clueless, I have only read a title about re-vegging, we were week 11 since flip, how does that happen?
  13. Neto

    Is this a bloody male?!

    This is my first grow so excuse the silly questions all were feminised seeds, how would they be pollinated?
  14. Neto

    Is this a bloody male?!

    Is she a he?
  15. Neto

    Is she ready for harvest?

    We’ve just chopped our first crop total 6 months. It was a hard call, a couple threw out White pistills right to the end, trichs milky, plant obviously dying, a few no pistills lots of sugary sugar leaves & a couple that don’t look particularly ‘buddy’ but lots of lil sugar leaves - heavy tho...