Recent content by needlesnpins

  1. needlesnpins

    News - the federal government will not interfere in marijuana legalization within...

    as far as the "guidlines" go..i read the memo and the memo states they are not "optional" that gave me a little bit of optimism.
  2. needlesnpins

    somehow i'm optimistic,0,4392089.story
  3. needlesnpins

    Bleach instead of H2o2

    ^^The deeper you dig the worse it gets... I just put in 2/ml per gallon of clorox..i had 3ppms of free chlorine (according to test strip) for about 20 mins then it fell back down to .5 ...BUT Bromine levels stayed around 10ppm ... who knows anything about the relation of the two? i don't wanna...
  4. needlesnpins


    technically yes i believe that is mold but im not sure if its considered the same as powdery mildew. ive seen many people including myself get that around the base of the stalk on little guys just coming out of the cloner and on top of the cubes. never proves itself to be a problem for me
  5. needlesnpins

    Using Predatory Mites and Beneficial Nematodes to control bugs....

    find me a definition of frequency water that is not from the NPK website. Frequency water is a fancy word for RO...Actually the PM wash is JUST RO water to rinse off the SOAP from the mighty wash.
  6. needlesnpins

    Made a huge mistake... Help

    Im not one of those advocating for having every fan leaf go yellow before cutting but i have seen what too much N does in flower. What is too much N? i guess that would be different for everybody...but i stand by the fact that some plain water will not hurt one bit until he can get back on...
  7. needlesnpins

    Using Predatory Mites and Beneficial Nematodes to control bugs....

    Predator mites won't help once spider mites have been significantly established. Mighty wash is just soap+RO water and doesn't work very well either. I've only found one thing that is safe enough to spray everyday (to kill every round of new hatched eggs) and actually demolishes those...
  8. needlesnpins

    Made a huge mistake... Help

    believe it or not plants love plain water.....less is more. Get some calmag in there and a LITTLE bit of any base nutes you have and re-do it when your new stuff comes in
  9. needlesnpins

    Branching out and leaves are deformed PICS

    too much food. give them plain water for a few days../week
  10. needlesnpins

    So who has the "winning" dispensary business model and what is it?

    the IED's were homemade fireworks...put gun powder in a tube and its an IED..but stupid none the less. I feel like the most damning is the 57k rounds of ammo...i understand gun nuts...and i understand ammo shortages...but 57k is a little overboard even for 3 people.
  11. needlesnpins

    Tell me your Promix soil blends

    i used to do 1 brick of promix + 1 or 2 bags of roots organic orig. + about 7 cups of dolomite for the whole batch and then myko's in the transplant holes. Works great. Also growstone in the bottom couple of inches of the smart pots helped a lot too
  12. needlesnpins

    store advise

    everyone does 15-20% off...their marked price is just MSRP which is already 20% above retail. i dont blame them because everyone does it but it is no special deal. Most of the time the only thing that will make or break a online dea for me is the shipping. A lot of these dudes with cheap...
  13. needlesnpins

    growing in rental house

    Ive had probably the best landlord experiences you could have in two separate rentals and ultimately they both got shut down....1 day..1month...1 year they will find out. and that nice little side income that you have been expecting/relying on will go bye bye for a good 3 months while you start...