Recent content by natebythelake

  1. natebythelake


    Have heard epsom salts repel raccoons. Planning to try it out for next grow
  2. natebythelake

    moonlight and budding.

    smoke some reefer and take a step back. Gotta keep in mind weed has flowered outdoors for thousands of years no problem
  3. natebythelake

    Native Soil Amending (Lab Test)

    turns out you can use a tarp to cook. taking the path of using native soil in subcool's recipe :)
  4. natebythelake

    Native Soil Amending (Lab Test)

    considering cooking up a subcool super soil but don't know how I'd let the mix cook for a month. Hard to haul trash bins where I'm headed
  5. natebythelake

    Native Soil Amending (Lab Test)

    no not out west
  6. natebythelake

    Native Soil Amending (Lab Test)

    For extra detail I plan on cutting the soil w a fair amount of perlite and adding mycorrhizae when the germinated seeds are planted
  7. natebythelake

    Native Soil Amending (Lab Test)

    Sup y'all so I need to get this soil good for a grow within a month. Guerilla so gotta be powder amendments. Can I just like add a fair deal of 10-10-10 or something like that and call it good? Obviously add something to bring the ph down too. Lots of plants so don't wanna splurge on OF or...
  8. natebythelake

    Quick question

    hey, thanks for the reply. I'd read the RSC description too and was confused at first but I think it makes sense now. At first I'd never heard of weed plants naturally flowering during winter, so saying it could survive freezing winters meant nothing if it's a seed, but given that this plant is...
  9. natebythelake

    Quick question

    Would you happen to have any idea how Egyptian Sinai would fare through a mild winter of 60 F days and 40 F nights?
  10. natebythelake

    Winter Autoflower Run

    Sup y'all, from Texas and looking to do an outdoor auto grow starting October and ending around end of November. Historically in these months we get temps that average around 60 F daily, and have lows that can hit 40 F. Two strains that have caught my eye are Blackberry Auto by FastBuds and...
  11. natebythelake

    Autoflower, Coco Loco Only?

    Just checked the garage and somebody used up all the coco loco. Looks like I'm buying OF. Would you mind sharing your setup? Gonna dig a 5gal sized hole
  12. natebythelake

    Autoflower, Coco Loco Only?

    Do you think it might be possible to mix coco loco w a fair bit of marine cuisine at the start of the grow to last the whole cycle? Thanks for the insight on your loco grow
  13. natebythelake

    Autoflower, Coco Loco Only?

    What's 420 fast buds? Seeds from Fast Buds? Couldn't find much in way of google search. Thanks for the perspective on coco loco and OF. What did you top dress with?
  14. natebythelake

    Autoflower, Coco Loco Only?

    Sup y'all, about to run some autos outside and am trying to figure out a water-only system. I've heard autos require less nutrients than photos, and to stay away from anything too 'hot'. Coco Loco (Fox Farm Bush Doctor) includes: coco coir, perlite, worm poop, bat poop, composted forest humus...
  15. natebythelake

    Afghan landrace yields?

    Given RSC distributes regular seeds, this may be of interest to you in upping the female/male ratio: I can't attest to any of the information inside, and I haven't looked for other evidence...