Recent content by N3w81e GR0w3r!

  1. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    Tell me if this setup is good enough to grow a couple plants? (pictures encluded)

    I grew two plant in a cardboard box, I used 2 cfl lights 1 for each plant. I think they were 11w each. I did 12/12 from seed and only got an 1/8th.. there was no fire risk at all with 2 light, I atatched them to lamps and had to pc fans in the box. no problems. but i wouldnt put aything other...
  2. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    BIG NOOB looking for help on growing a plant makin some money

    Leve im alone he said he was 25 =P Anyways growing is hard, I got like 3 grams of my plant I just harvested. Ony got stoned 3 times =( oh wels lol
  3. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    BIG NOOB looking for help on growing a plant makin some money

    yeh dankies edit ur post quick or u will have to re register lol. Everyone here though is defintly over 18 :oops::-(:o:shock: :blsmoke:
  4. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    How long does it take for a marijuana plant to emit an odor?

    oh, I thought cause the plants grow in hot places like Jamaica Hot tempretures wouldnt hurt it.. oh well need to get my fans working :) the sticky tape doesnt seem to be holding them to well.
  5. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    Does accept PayPal Payments??

    I payed by cash :) should accept paypal though, dont see why not. EDIT: ahhhh, ok. pay by cash mate :D
  6. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    Why are they not sprouting :(:(:(:(

    just put the seeds strait in soil. I did and worked fine. its the naturall way of doing it :) also, HAVE PATIENCE!! :)
  7. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    How long does it take for a marijuana plant to emit an odor?

    I second that. The tempreture of 2 20w cfls is fking incredible. it must be over 30c in my grow box!
  8. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    Average Yields?

    Yeh one gram aint worth it. But the plant is seriously mucked up. Luckily I have another just getting its second set of leaves, at 3 cm tall not 3 inches like the other one!
  9. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    Average Yields?

    Iam hoping to get a gram from my plant, its under a 20w cfl :)
  10. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    How to fly high???

    I was thinking maybe you could empty the backy from ciggys and fill it up with green, then put a tiny bit of back ontop so it doesnt look green. When you get to were your going pull out the filter and smoke! :) There not exactly going to open the ciggys?
  11. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    motherboard fan

    You should use a blue and black or black and red. Just keep fiddling about untill the fan spins. The other two wires are probboly so you can measure the fan speed in bios or somen, or adjust the rate at witch it spins. EDIT: Are yes, the four wire ones conenct to the psu(?) and not the...
  12. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    how much weed?

    I use small greens. lol. or "top 50".
  13. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    how much weed?

    yeh, thats what people have told me and Iam like wtf? It depends what you mean by a couple of joints. Do you mean a couple of king size all green joints? or a couple skinny ones with backy?
  14. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    Three weeks going strong miraciously.

    shit, my plant is more streched that :cry: crap
  15. N3w81e GR0w3r!

    Hallo. :)

    as far as helicomperts detecting your crop this is bull (so i was told). If your REALLY parniniod just put glass over your lights or lead. My uncle told me this stops heat being detected by helicopters. Iam not to sure on smell. Havnt got that far yet myself :p but soon hopefully!