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  • im the Captain and i recently started my first grow!!
    Colombian Gold
    Origin:Santa Marta
    Harvest time:60-70 Days Indoors
    THC level:19.3

    grown in a wardrobe with the inside covered with diamond mylar
    125W CFL for Veg
    250W CFL for Flowering

    Nutrients:Bio-Bizz root juice and Bio-grow for veg
    Bloom-Booster pro for flowering

    Started by germinating 2 seeds with the paper towel method.Within 2 days both tap roots were an inch long.i transplanted them into seedling pots and put them under 24 hours light.

    after a week under 24 hour light i put them into there veg cycle(16/8 feeding them water everyday and nutrients every 2

    after 4 weeks they were ready for flowering being over a foot tall and me needing to try and keep them small so i changed there light cycle to 12/12 still with the same feeding cycle.they have been in flowering for nearly 2 weeks.already starting to show signs of bud formation ill keep you all up to date.
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