Recent content by mr ubbit

  1. M

    Anybody from Germany over here?

    nicht deutschland, aber österreich... ich komme aus usa, aber ich hab die lezten jahr hier gewohnt, und mein deutsch ist noch immer scheisse :( ich war lezte oktober in berlin, sehr shön ;)
  2. M

    impress me for free glass

    Quick question :bigjoint: can an "impressment freebie"... assuming that means a marble or so... be exchange for a disscount on one of your kickass pipes instead? :leaf:
  3. M

    We killed your father - I'm heartbroken

    Ignorance? You think the killings were justified? Yeah, they had weapons... so what? owning a weapon is as normal as me or you owning a dog.... if i was over there, protecting myself and my family would be my number one priority, that doesnt mean they were terrorists.... and your whole...
  4. M

    Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

    nice purchase! can't wait to see some the stuff that comes out of that room bongsmilie
  5. M

    impress me for free glass

    hahaha, simple, yet i thought it was pretty awesome :clap:
  6. M

    What are you doing for 4/20?

    nah, that was always just an urban legend, kinda like the coincidences with hitler's birthday, columbine shooting, and my parents anniversary :bigjoint:
  7. M

    What are you doing for 4/20?

    According to Steven Hager, editor of High Times, the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking wiseacres who called themselves the Waldos, who are now pushing 50. The term was shorthand for the time of day the group would meet, at the...
  8. M

    and you should 420 2

    i really like this idea, i never actually went out and planted wild plants, but i always took my males and planted them in front of restaurants or parks, or high schools..... VIVA LA CANNABIS REVOLUTION :leaf:
  9. M

    impress me for free glass

    I don't comment very often, but i've been a member on roll it up for years... Not sure if you consider book binding art, but i do, here some pics of my most recent book, all hand made :bigjoint: and one with an ipod for size reference, it's pretty big :hump:
  10. M

    Totally Awesome Home made Bong Contest!!

    fill with water, then plug up the end. you have to start out really small ang go slow, but it will go through eventually
  11. M

    Accidental Bonsai, why is it so dam small!!!

    nope, it's real, haha
  12. M

    Accidental Bonsai, why is it so dam small!!!

    haha, i would if i could, but time is definately a factor, i'm movin out of the country on sept. 2:shock:
  13. M

    Accidental Bonsai, why is it so dam small!!!

    haha, it's leanin more towards the brightwhite lights
  14. M

    Accidental Bonsai, why is it so dam small!!!

    do you guys think it'll be smokable before sept 1st? i'm movin out the country so time is a factor:neutral:
  15. M

    Accidental Bonsai, why is it so dam small!!!

    haha, i thought about it, but i don't have any males:-( oh well, more bud i guess:hump: