Recent content by Mr. Mohaskey

  1. Mr. Mohaskey


    Here is a link to the one I have: One I would get if I did it over:
  2. Mr. Mohaskey


    Fair statement and question. Just back home and looked at a post from 2021. Sonofarm is the company, samsung 301 diodes and meanwhile driver. I got the 4000 qb panel. Can be daisy chained if I need to expand. Ended up costing me I think about $450 back in 2021. If i would do it again I would go...
  3. Mr. Mohaskey


    I got mine on Amazon. I made sure the diodes and specs were top notch, and it was made in the states. Don't recall the brand off top of my head, but it works great.
  4. Mr. Mohaskey

    Can my carbon filter be too big?

    Only issue is the amount of air flow will create a lot of suction in your tent, and the walls will be sucked in. I have an 8" filter with a 4x4 tent, open 2 intakes on bottom, set fan to low, and still have this issue.
  5. Mr. Mohaskey

    Chop day dilemma. What would you do?

    I would chop when you get back. Don't think a little extra time will hurt much. Better to go long than to cut early. IMO
  6. Mr. Mohaskey

    DWC Changing the reservoir under scrog net

    I have similar. I plastidipped the yellow tops black, then top coated it white. Helps keep light out, while also reflecting it. Also, the bigger the return pipes the better to avoid roots clogging the pipes. 2-1/2 sch 80 is good, 3" sch 80 better.
  7. Mr. Mohaskey

    Jacks vs. Advanced vs. Remo

    I use Jacks 321. I like how I can adjust each part based a particular strain, whether that be more or less Calnit, more or less Epsom salt, etc. I can custom fertalize. Not to mention how cheap it is. I haven't used many other brands, so I may be biased. I will say I hardly ever go above 5/8...
  8. Mr. Mohaskey

    Spots on leaves?

    Your fan shuts off more than it is on, and the environment inside the tent stabilizes. The exhaust acts as a cooling function and only turns on when Temps get too hot. The rest of the basement acts as a lung room, and should be kept cooler than the tent.
  9. Mr. Mohaskey

    Spots on leaves?

    Do you have a tent? Keep heater in tent along with humidifier and dehumidifier. Run both at preset levels the do not counteract each other or based on relative humidity levels of time of year. Run heater and exhaust fan through a temp controller. Wallah, you have a controlled environment in a...
  10. Mr. Mohaskey

    Spots on leaves?

    I too grow in a basement. Had to invest in oil filled heater, dehumidifier for summer, and humidifier for winter to help dial everything in.
  11. Mr. Mohaskey

    Spots on leaves?

    Your VPD is in range, but I would shoot for higher Temps in the low 80s if using a LED. Then adjust your humidity to get your VPD where you want it.
  12. Mr. Mohaskey

    Spots on leaves?

    Personally I think the EC is too high. I would drop, but I feed lower. I dont ever get over 5/8 of the manufacturers recommended strength.What is your Temps, humidity levels, and light source?
  13. Mr. Mohaskey

    Ethos Brand

    I know this thread is a bit old, but just ran the Collin OG again with a full koolatron cure this time. I can say it grew great, looks great, smokes great. Only caveat is that with the full koolatron cure, when I take it direct from the fridge, it smells of perfume. Never had that before. Only...
  14. Mr. Mohaskey

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Gonna chime back in here say, damn this is the easiest and best way to cure some bud. Straight cut off the vine right into the cooler. Drop down 1% per day. Been chilling at 55f and 3 wks later 58% humidity, and damn everything fine. Might be best thing I've added to much arsenal. I'd never go...
  15. Mr. Mohaskey

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Also, for those that want to guess when I found my fridge not leaning back far enough to drain, can you see it?