Recent content by moorex

  1. M

    Yellowing and Brown Spots? Help me confirm the problem (+rep)

    looks like a ph problem. mine look very similar to your pics. ph issue was my culprit.
  2. M

    Do I have a problem?

    I really don't think it's the cups, considering there's a whole Party Cup competition thread and a lot of others that grow much bigger in these cups. Any other ideas?
  3. M

    Do I have a problem?

    I read to start seedlings in a smaller container, that's why they are in the cups for now. I was planning to transplant after they got a decent rootball going. I have no given them any nutes yet, they are just in Hoffman Seed Starter soil.
  4. M

    Do I have a problem?

    I'm running 6 CFLS, 27 watts each. Most of them are the 6500 color, but I do have one 2700. No nutes yet, just planted them in Hoffman Seed Starter. I've been careful not to overwater.
  5. M

    Do I have a problem?

    i apologize for the picture size :( I'm baked and can't figure out how to resize on this forum. I'm working on it!
  6. M

    Do I have a problem?

    Hi guys, I started growing two Easy Ryder plants from seed about two weeks ago. I'm a noob and growing just for personal use, so my set up is a converted mini fridge with CFLs. Things seemed to be going well until the other day I started noticing one of the bigger leaves on one of my...
  7. M

    I have one seed that is starting to pop up above the soil.

    dude, stop messing with them. it doesn't sound abnormal, it just sounds like it's pushing the casing off.... aka it's growing, which is good.
  8. M

    Question on lighting (more like im seeking advice from others who use cfl's)

    I think it'll work for now, but i think you want closer to 100w per plant using CFLs when they start growing into veg. My 2 bagseed sprouted and vegged fine on 6 23w 65k bulbs, but you've got double the number of plants I have.
  9. M

    Storage? 10 + oz's

    dang, wish i had your problem :)
  10. M

    question about AK47 x Lowryder 2 , LST?

    Hi guys, I just got these and am in the process of germing. But my question is regarding height when these flower. These are autoflowering, and I've got a set up in a mini fridge that gives me about 3 ft of height to work with. On the seed package it says these can grow to 60 to 80 cms, which...
  11. M

    Small plant flowering

    Look up doing LST. I'm doing my first grow too, check it out: I'm growing mine in a mini fridge, so height is an issue for me too. This thread has a diagram that helped me out...
  12. M

    Help me with my first grow

    They're up!
  13. M

    Help me with my first grow

    Okay, here is my mini fridge I have a little fan/space heater blowing air through the fridge at the top, there's also a vent near the bottom Here's how it's set up inside. I've got power strips with three compact florescents on each, above the plants . I've also got a temp and humidity...
  14. M

    Help me with my first grow

    Thanks for the responses. Based on the advice I will keep them in the cups for longer than a couple weeks. I'm at about one week since they sprouted right now. And I'm going to have to keep using florescent bulbs for now, Im on a tight budget for this grow, but I did get both the 6000k and...
  15. M

    Help me with my first grow

    Hey guys, I've started my first grow with bagseed. Very excited! I set up a modified mini-fridge in my garage. I'm using florescent bulbs for now, got everything at the right temp, and well ventilated. I planted my germinated seeds about a week ago. They appear to be doing very well and...