Recent content by Moochbuds

  1. Moochbuds

    dropy leaves, plant sexing in 18/6??? and yellow leaves with brown spots lots of pics

    thanks guys alot, this is what i have decided to do. I am going to cut jack at the base and try to reroot her, i am going to move the other two that look to be sick into there own tubs with no nutes just 5.5 water and watch what they do. I do think jack got pulled outa 18-6 or 24 or what ever...
  2. Moochbuds

    dropy leaves, plant sexing in 18/6??? and yellow leaves with brown spots lots of pics

    ty ty for the advise but i have not given them much nutes, I think i tracked the problem down to me giving the magi cal to early and at full strength, i also think alot of it was the nute switch that jack indored when she got transplanted, i have no idea what nutes she was on befor i got her...
  3. Moochbuds

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    I know this is not the plant problem place but i cant get any help over there and been plunty of help floating around here so heres the scoop, everything was fine in my veg/clone room for about 4 months, had no prob with clones, no prob with gettting my moms going, everything was just fine...
  4. Moochbuds

    dropy leaves, plant sexing in 18/6??? and yellow leaves with brown spots lots of pics

    bump anyone please give me some advise if you know??
  5. Moochbuds

    dropy leaves, plant sexing in 18/6??? and yellow leaves with brown spots lots of pics

    the roots are brown because i am using nutes that are brown and a plant soluble for roots that is premium mycorrhizae which is almost like coal ground up. Ph 5.5 ppm is fine, cant talk to the guy got the clone from dont know him, like i put in above i have changed and cleaned changed and clean...
  6. Moochbuds

    dropy leaves, plant sexing in 18/6??? and yellow leaves with brown spots lots of pics

    Ok heres the scoop, everything was fine in my veg/clone room for about 4 months, had no prob with clones, no prob with gettting my moms going, everything was just fine. But for the last 2 weeks ihave been having alot of problems with my clones, I bought a Jack herer clone that was in dirt and...
  7. Moochbuds

    Who here tops their plants?

    Def top them
  8. Moochbuds

    First grow with OG Kush and soon to join WW

    Topping is fun lol
  9. Moochbuds

    how do i delete my account

    better be giving that guy ALOT of +rep hehe
  10. Moochbuds

    how do i delete my account

    lmao delete my account he says, shit bud heres how its easy, change your name, where you are from, everyone who knows you and you might be close hahahaha
  11. Moochbuds

    bubbleponic nutrients new to the game

    Yes i have used BC nutes and only BC nutes, do a 1/3rd of whatever they call for per 1 gallon so if its 15ml per gallon use 5ml, make sure u get some magi cal and ph up and ph down as well. If you are growing in water use only non organic nutes What they do for me:
  12. Moochbuds

    Who grows the best weed?

    I am the best grower what are you talking about lol
  13. Moochbuds

    First HYDRO harvest

    Topped one of the three left, they are now at 11 weeks old.
  14. Moochbuds

    D.W.C 'Show-Off' THREAD. post your pretty and proud DWC piks here

    bongsmilieSome more up to date for you all, just topped another one of my babies at 11 weeks, still have three that are 11 weeks old in flower room. I also have one that is 4 weeks old, one that is 2 weeks old, and 4 that are two days old, have pics of everything going on. My paradise Ice...