Recent content by £Monster1

  1. £

    Auto plants

    Cheers fella that will be upped to that watt
  2. £

    Auto plants

    Cheers fella
  3. £

    Auto plants

    White widow
  4. £

    Auto plants

  5. £

    Auto plants

    I get wat you mean would you add a halogen light 60 w to exciting lights
  6. £

    Auto plants

  7. £

    Auto plants

    Cheers fella they was all moved into bigger pots only been in pots a week .have you ever used big bud mix.if so Wats it like
  8. £

    Auto plants

  9. £

    Auto plants

    The lights are 40 watts a tube
  10. £

    Auto plants

  11. £

    Auto plants

    4 x 40 Wats’s
  12. £

    Auto plants

  13. £

    Auto plants

    Also these were germibated then potted so have actually only been potted 1 week
  14. £

    Auto plants

    Should I up lighting to 24/0
  15. £

    Auto plants
