Recent content by mj42070

  1. M

    stem rot??

    yeah dude they r so easy to clone it just takes forever for imo like 3 weeks but it def does grow roots it could be cool to just have one big cola for like mad plants instead of less bigger plants i feel like it might even grow faster too cuz its a smaller plant
  2. M

    stem rot??

    yeah i could just make an army for the spring to go planting around in the woods lol jk
  3. M

    stem rot??

    yeah i have never seen a bug so far. i think its from getting wet right now but i have other plants im worried it will eventually happen to them
  4. M

    stem rot??

    this was a clone from the same thing that happened i can stop it from happening idk what im doing wrong... getting it wet? maybe i can put tape around its base to keep it from getting wet?? and hope it helps....
  5. M

    stem rot??

    please help any ideas ??
  6. M

    stem rot??

    hey i have a dwc setup and this is the third plant that has fallen victim to this "stem rot" im calling it. in the picture you can see at the base of the stem it appears to be a dark color and in the past it basically gets eaten away after a period of a couple of weeks. what should i do? is this...
  7. M

    Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify

    just hope you dont pollenate anything on accident
  8. M

    Is She a HE?!

    could be seeds maybe.
  9. M

    Fuck idk whats wrong with my plants...

    maybe you should empty ur solution clean the tub or w.e and hose off the roots with water and make a new solution using proper nutes at the correct levels with the new ph tested water after doing that im thinking you will be much happier. good luck
  10. M

    Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify

    anyone know if you can make hash out of male leaves??? those r def pollen sacks you have a male for sure.
  11. M

    vortex seedling problems.

    that looks like a male because of how tall it is. if not then ur stretching the fuck out of it. how close to the lights do you got it? def dont blast it with anything its young it will spring back. i suggest gradually giving it what you think its deficiency is. good luck!
  12. M

    Northern Lights - end of first week in flowering - drooping issues HALP

    it looks like the soil is kinda dry and could use a little water. also after transplanting the plant could have some stress making the leaves drop like that. but to me it doesnt look like you should be to worried. you will know when to water when you look at the color of the soil if its light...
  13. M

    Wiring a PC fan

    all you need is a cord from a charger or anything that has a box like thing that plugs into the wall and with that you can run a pc fan on a wall socket. anything else will fry the fan.
  14. M

    what am i doing wrong??? help!

    top that shit so it bushes out
  15. M

    coupons for you all

    i dont know if they work but here ya go