Recent content by mitchthegrower

  1. mitchthegrower

    What is this? (pic inside)

    Hi guys, Last week of flowering, been flushing with di/ro water and flawless finish by advanced nutrients for 7 days. I’m just curious, what nutrient deficiency would that be... phosphorus cal and mag? Thanks
  2. mitchthegrower

    Hi, is this a cal mag defficiency?

    Well water can’t remove trichomes since it’s not fat or alcohol, but yeah many people seem afraid to do it haha Thanks, to you too
  3. mitchthegrower

    Hi, is this a cal mag defficiency?

    Yeah just a waste of time spraying them right now, I started harvesting yesterday I just finished trimming the worst plant so the others should be just fine by the end of the week... But anyway spraying or not, before I trim I wash them in a water bath for 5 minutes to remove excess of everything
  4. mitchthegrower

    Hi, is this a cal mag defficiency?

    It isn’t the spray you are right, I just found out leaves that had almost none of the spray on it and the back part of them seems infested with white eggs... I will be giving a last treatment shot of diatomaceous earth, cayenne pepper and soap... hopefully it will slow the mites until I yield...
  5. mitchthegrower

    Hi, is this a cal mag defficiency?

    I’ve just checked for webs and tried the paper thing too and I can’t seem to find them anywhere on the affected plant... the white dots you see is diatomaceous earth that was dilluted into water then sprayed 2 weeks ago Here’s a pics of the worst leaf I removed
  6. mitchthegrower

    Hi, is this a cal mag defficiency?

    It’s on 1 plant, just a few leaves; it’s a plant which I’ve removed too many fanleaves
  7. mitchthegrower

    Hi, is this a cal mag defficiency?

    Yes, there are no bugs
  8. mitchthegrower

    Hi, is this a cal mag defficiency?

    Hi guys, Week 7 of flowering, using soil with hps lights, thermostat/hydrostat with AC humidifier dehumidifier etc. Using sensi nutes with b52 and big bud, they were pre treated for fungy/insect with hydrogen peroxide, potassium bicarbonate, diatomaceous earth, cayenne pepper, neem oil and dish...
  9. mitchthegrower

    what is this?

    Will a cal mag nute fix it?
  10. mitchthegrower

    what is this?

    Are you sure? Look, here is 2 more pics of 2 more leaves. Btw it seems to be on only the first 2 plants near my fan intake, all the other ones are clean
  11. mitchthegrower

    what is this?

    Di/ro water... its not my equipment or setup, it seems like it’s a disease; is it septoria?
  12. mitchthegrower

    what is this?

    No, HPS
  13. mitchthegrower

    what is this?

    Its in flower, its only on fan leaves and very few of them, mostly at bottom, current stage is week 6 of flowering
  14. mitchthegrower

    what is this?

    What is this?
  15. mitchthegrower

    Lower fan leaf spots, is it septoria?

    I believe I can’t post pics either right? Since I am not allowed to post links too... am i?