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  • thanks for the feedback guys very much appreciated i did end up starting over and have a new not sure if it big or small problem i germinated the seeds in a propagator and when they had first set of leaves i transplanted into pots but now they havin grown in about 3 days i know they take time to wake up but wud they be strong enough to survive d shock i have four burmese kusk and even ones leaves are yellowing like wot nute burns looks like but had not given any nutes just special pre mixed soil i bought from a grow shop.Have these also been killed in action or cud they still come back they still look nice n healthy apart from d one dats yellowing
    Hello Mitcho!
    Welcome to RIU :-)
    Now, in posting questions.. the first thing you need to do is to choose a FORUM.. Since you're a new member, prefer to select "Newbie Central". Then make your own thread.. In making your own thread, just click "+post new thread".. It is located the upper right side of the page. In your thread, you can post your all your questions... ;) Good luck :-)
    hey yeah those pics u posted r quite bad, from what i could see it looks bad. it doesnt seem as if your but a couple days since breaking ground and i would start over if i were you. NEVER and i mean never feed a seedling that young, you need to make sure you ph your water and soil and tread lightly with a seedling they are so fragile. most ppl will talk shit to you for even attempting that. but being a grower means "live and learn" its the only way to learn properly. good luck
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