Recent content by MinniePerlite

  1. MinniePerlite

    Red Light

    Here is an update. These are clones that I crammed into a mini sea of green because I had too many. Their lighting is makeshift with small grow bulbs. The miniSOG is next to my main plants, which are receiving my best lighting and direct deep red. The miniSOG clones on the side closest to the...
  2. MinniePerlite

    Red Light

    I have a 36w deep red grow light (660nm) on one side of a SeaOfGreen. The group is in the 3rd week of 12/12 lighting. The plants on the side with the red bulb have buds that look like 5 weeks development and the other side is what I normally expect at 3 weeks. I have the other grow lights on...
  3. MinniePerlite

    Trove of 1970's 'bag seed' ...this could be fun.

    In the words of an old hippie I knew in the 80’s, “It’s like I always say. You never can tell.”
  4. MinniePerlite

    Trove of 1970's 'bag seed' ...this could be fun.

    Those 70’s seeds were hardy. They would grow in car floorboards. For those who vacuumed, they ended up growing around the car-vacs at the car wash. Seems like people would smoke anything back then, too. Stems, leaves, male, female. It’s all different now. I bet growing those 70’s seeds with...
  5. MinniePerlite

    Light schedule while seeding

    xtsho answered that I should stay on 12/12. thanks!
  6. MinniePerlite


    Thank you! I just posted a thread with this question. I will keep them on 12/12. I really appreciate your answer.
  7. MinniePerlite

    Light schedule while seeding

    Have had my seed producer plants on a 12/12 light schedule during pollination. The females are fertilized and I removed the male. What light schedule is best for the seeding females while they ripen? Thanks!
  8. MinniePerlite


    I know this is an old thread, but I hope you will see this. A question for you- I am making my own seeds currently. I’ve had the plants on 12/12 lights for 4 weeks and I just removed the male (poor guy) and now the females will finish up their duty. They are packed! Q: What lighting schedule...
  9. MinniePerlite

    Is it starting? Is this the moment I've been waiting for?

    Looks like a surfer’s foot!
  10. MinniePerlite

    First time grower - watering question

    You need a moisture meter and take notes about data, when you water, how much you water, and what you add to the water. Make yourself a ledger page. Plant looks good.
  11. MinniePerlite

    Why am i not getting any stretching?

    Personally, I like my plants short and fat. Makes for a sturdier base for those big, old heavy buds. Looks great to me!
  12. MinniePerlite

    male plant making seeds

    Do you think you will ever sprout one and see what it does? I have limited space, so I’m not sure what I will do with them. Certainly curious to find out, though.
  13. MinniePerlite

    male plant making seeds

    Male plant in bloom, showing one of 15 large, 2 week old seeds in development.