Recent content by mikothegreen

  1. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    Use mosfet board or I have seen digital potentiometers used in place of normal potentiometers
  2. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    When I done mine I set it to just above room temp turned the tent fans off so it would heat up faster and turned the tent fans on when cooling just to speed it up
  3. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    To autotune the control parameters: Set up the PID controller with all control parameters set to zero: Create a template button to start autotuning later: Compile & Upload the new firmware. Now you should have a climate entity called PID Climate Controller and a button called PID...
  4. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    output: - platform: esp8266_pwm pin: D1 frequency: 1000 id: pwm_output inverted: true min_power: 0.0 // this changes min fan speed max_power: 1.0 auto tune can take a while depends on your setup. run log from esphome and push auto tune button and just wait till it...
  5. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    do you want it to control fan speed 1-10? i haven't compiled this in esphome sensor: - platform: rotary_encoder name: "Rotary Encoder" pin_a: GPIO## pin_b: GPIO## min_value: 0 max_value: 10 resolution: 1 filters: - debounce: 0.1s on_value: then...
  6. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    red wire from controller to dc - out black wire to dc- input connect (SIGNAL GND) to the other ground i just twisted them together and soldered connect (SIGNAL PWM+) to D1
  7. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    the wires from the old potentiometer connect one in each side of the mossfet board Rotary Encoder pin_a: D2 pin_b: D3 rotary button pin: D4 connect the grounds together and solder to ground
  8. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    It uses the climate pid controller from esphome so you can search that and it tells you about auto tune and other parameters you can set. I have the bang bang climate controller from esphome turning on a ac and heater
  9. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    look at the pid controller in the climate part on esphome there is a lot of other variables you can change
  10. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    ok here's the code just modify it to suit when its connected to the fan set the pid controller in home assistant a few degrees lower than your temp run the auto tune and watch the output logs in esphome might take some time it depends on your setup but at the the end it should say some shit...
  11. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    I’m away for work till the end of week. I’ll post the code on here when I’m home, just kept the controller because I got a few d1’s laying around and it fit perfectly. The code is temp based it pulls temp sensor data from ha.
  12. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    It for is for manually setting the fan speed but probably not going to be used anyway. I just had one laying around
  13. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    MOSFET board is MOSFET Trigger Switch Driver PWM Control Board Module just type that in eBay and the rotary encoder is Rotary Encoder 360 Degrees KY-040 Module Brick Sensor With Push Button Switch
  14. mikothegreen

    What module for ESP32 or Arduino control of a external speed controller on a EC Hyper Phashfan?

    I converted the v2 controller to use with home assistant. Used a esp8266 with a rotary encoder and a mosfet board